• expired

JCD 8898 2-in-1 750W Soldering & Reworking Station with LCD Display US$29.99 (~A$38.90) AU Stock Delivered @ Banggood

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Update 3 Rep added another 50 units for JCD 8898

There's also a coupon for the BEST S160 Magnetic Heat Insulation Silicone Pad - US$11.99 (~A15.55) - Apply coupon BG18174AU at checkout. Ships from AU warehouse.

Update 2 Rep got back to me and unfortunately coupon can't be extended.

Update 100 units sold out. Have asked the rep if they can add more.

Great price on this soldering station which sells for $70-80 on eBay & AliExpress. According to the many YouTube reviews, it appears to be an excellent budget soldering station. The plug is a generic IEC C13 type, so you can easily swap it for an AU plug instead of using the supplied adapter.

Note Coupon Limited to 100 units.

Ships from their AU warehouse with one week delivery.

To get price in title:

  • Apply coupon BG65663AU at checkout.

Note: Title prices include GST. Approximated AUD price, based on today's MasterCard rates, paying in USD.


Hot air heater and welding iron 2in1 rework soldering station.
Dual LCD digital displays to show precision temperature.
Extremely low noise and space saving design.
Intelligence self-detection function features safe personal operation.
Automatic cooling function for effectively prolonging the heater's life and protecting the hot air heater.


Hot Air Heater

Working Voltage: AC220-240V OR AC100-130V
Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz
Output Power: 750W
Temperature Range: 100°C~480°C
Temperature Stability:±2℃
Air Flow: 150L/min (max)

Soldering Iron

Working Voltage: AC220-240V OR AC100-130V
Output Power: 80W
Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz
Temperature Range: 180°C-500°C
Temperature Stability: ±1°C
Soldering Iron : ESD design
Heater Material : Ceramics

Referral Links

Referral: random (43)

Referee gets $2 in coupons. Referrer gets 10% off (if referee spends over US$10)

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP, grabbed one!

    Can any reps add a code for this to go with it?


    • +1

      Have asked the rep, if it's possible I will add it to the post.

    • +2

      Rep provided coupon BG18174AU for the BEST S160 Magnetic Heat Insulation Silicone Pad which reduces price to US$11.99.

      • +1

        Legend thank you so much :) purchased. I'm more excited about my new soldering setup than is reasonable. Thanks adr8

  • If im simply soldering stuff like RGB strips, Arduino, Raspberry Pi stuff.

    Is something high powered like this needed? Or can i just grap something way cheaper from Amazon/Bunning etc.

    • I think for this price, I would go for something like this, because it can be used for my future projects which may require complex soldering. Heatgun is very useful

    • Worth it for the temperature control alone.

    • +1

      You can't go much cheaper, as you still need a temp controlled iron, so I expect you'll be paying about that anyway.

      Do not buy a non-adjustable iron for $10!

  • Boom! Ordered.

  • Thanks, ordered.. I had a $2 USD coupon to use as well.

    Does anyone know what solder and flux I should buy?

    • What did the au$ buy price end up at?

      • $2.64 AUD coupon , total was $36.90 AUD

        • Thanks man

  • Any recommendations for a cheap desoldering station?

  • i thought soldering irons were supposed to have big transformers. this thing is so small

    • Not all do.

    • +1

      The old ones did. Newer ones use silicon chips, so there's no need for heavy transformers.

      Same thing with wallwarts, microwaves, arc welders… pretty much everything.

  • Thanks, will come in very handy

  • Thanks OP. Ordered one. The heat gun will be a handy feature.

    • Easy there jerryrig.

  • Not sure why I bought this, but thanks OP.

  • Thanks OP.

  • Thanks OP! Just getting into the custom keyboard scene so this coming up is perfect timing

  • why it shows AU$40.62 for me. chose AUD as currency.

    • +1

      Untick shipping insurance, and Banggood AUD rate will be different to Mastercard rate quoted here.

  • ..

  • Coupon reached 100 uses already.

    • +1

      I'll try and get the coupon extended.

    • +1

      Unfortunately coupon can't be extended.

      • That's too bad, appreciate the effort.

        • Rep added another 50 units

    • Rep added another 50 units

      • Thanks, too bad for me though only just saw and already gone :(

      • No chance of any more? kicking myself that I missed this.

        • +1

          I don't think so, shall update post if that changes.

  • Got the item in cart, applied code, went to PayPal to make payment, clicked pay, back to bang good, payment failed, tried using the code again, sorry you've reached 100 click limit.


    • Rep added another 50 units

      • Thank you very much.
        Bought one.

  • +2

    Keep buying crap I dont need and the one time something comes up I would actually use I miss out… noooooooo

    • Rep added another 50 units

  • +1

    Dammit, coupon maxed out 100 units.

    • Rep added another 50 units

  • There is no way to insert coupon. Can buy only for full price $48.

    • Rep added another 50 units

      • and increased price to $55! Forget Banggod. They became too expensive, unreliable.

  • +1

    This coupon has reached the 100 limit times today.Please try again tomorrow.

    • Rep added another 50 units

  • +3

    Don't forget to use it in an environment with air flow or small fan.
    Don't inhale the fumes.

  • limit 100 reached, coupon no longer working

    • Rep added another 50 units

      • Can you do any more of these. I missed out..

  • Any deals on the standalone JCD 8858 700W Hot Air Heater Micro Rework Soldering Station? I already have a decent soldering station. The combo is tempting either way…

  • Just bought using the additional 50 coupons - price was $40.62 (still decent price)

  • Just ordered one now (1 min ago). Coupon still good

  • +1

    Coupon working again

  • Thought about it too long. Now hit 150 limit. Damn it.

  • Working for me. Have wanted a soldering iron for a while - now I'll need a tutorial on how to use one properly. What type of solder, flux, wick etc do I need? Not even sure they are the right terms?

  • Sold out, reached 150 limit.

  • What are you planning on using it for all?

    • +1

      Just a couple examples of soldering projects:
      I had fluro tubes in my house, replaced them with led strip tubes but after a while the cheap capacitors in them die so I remove the old caps and replace them with not terrible caps and they're good for bugger all cost and a few mins work.

      I also soldered a couple pins in my right joycon to activate the recovery mode at my leisure.

    • Welding dildos. If you need to ask probably don't buy one.

  • +5

    Hi adr8, Thx for the post. I am sure a few of us missed out on the deal. If the ref could add some more stock/extend the deal, that would be awesome.

  • Now 49.71 with 10% discount.

  • I'll never spend less than $150 for a soldering iron. If it doesn't weigh more than 1kg then don't use it.

    • +1

      I am mostly a Weller and Metcal guy but I feel it might be an overkill for someone who use them a couple of times a year to go with lab/industrial brands. There might be better places to spend money on if you are not that into tools.

    • XD

  • I bought a rework station (not this one) a while ago.
    The most I have used hot air for is stripping paint off a window and door frame. Was a small window, and part of the door frame.
    It works really well in a controller manner and did not burn the wood or paint like a normal heat gun.

  • id be careful with these cheaper rework stations - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_avIYZgEvNw

    • Was that video recorded on video tape and dubbed a few times before uploading to youtube? In 2020 no less.
      Music Airwolf?

      • I used to love watching Airwolf and also had the game on my commodore 64 ))

      • +2

        Great camerawork too.
        I feel this video really tells a story. Not sure what the story is, but…

  • +4

    Any chance of activating this deal again OP?

  • Currently 46.54au.

  • Mine arrived without a plug adapter. Anyone else?

    • can't you use one off your computer or some old appliance?

      • Yeah can probably find one. The OP said exchangeable plug but the ad doesn't seem to. All good. Was just confused

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