Do Krispy Kreme discount their donuts at the end of each day? If not, what do they do with them all?
Do Krispy Kreme Discount Their Donuts at The End of Each Day?

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Depends on the location.
Some chuck them out into bins (sometimes organics) to be carted off to compost sites.
Others chuck them in the bin and water them down to ensure people don't dumpster dive.The good ol days of garbage bags full of baked goods at the end of the day are gone.
Although Aldi's still pretty bad, chucking out everything and anything of value with next to zero recycling.Discounting only devalues the brand. As long as they never offer ridiculous discounts their donuts retain the value (otherwise people would wait for 4pm each day). Same idea that Rolex applies to it's watches.
I wish more businesses would donate their perishables and day old produce to charities like Ozharvest. Would much rather see that food go to the less fortunate of us then see it in waste bins.
I do know a lot of bakeries in the area did used to do this.
The charities would take everything at the end of the day.
One of the charities was caught selling the day old bread, ruined it for everyone.Now the bakeries just chuck them in a garbage bag and water them down.
Do you know which charity did this? I'd like to know so I can avoid them.
chuck them in a garbage bag and water them down
So they waste a precious resource (water) as well!
So they waste a precious resource (water) as well!
Good point. Write in to suggest they use waste water.
Not fair to inflict diabetes and dental cavities on those more unfortunate.
I used to work at Woolworths (20 years ago now). The food waste back then was astronomical - I'm pretty sure they've improved things since then.
Some days I would throw out 10-12 shopping trolleys packed full of stuff that was either past its use by date or was due to expire in the next day or two (Sundays and public holidays….as the shops didn't trade on these days back then)
It would usually consist of a few trolley's from the dairy section (cheese, yogurt, milk etc) but the bulk of it was from the bakery section (bread, donuts, biscuits etc)…..I personally disposed of several donuts and biscuits on each occasion over the years….just trying to do my part to save it going to waste!
OzHarvest raised $10mil in donations in 2018 and then turned around and paid their own executives and marketing teams $8.8mil of that, then spent another $1mil on events to market themselves. They've been sitting on a treasure chest of $3mil-$5mil in cash holdings for a number of years now, slowly making investment property purchases with it each year.
These people are not what they seem.
Although Aldi's still pretty bad, chucking out everything and anything of value with next to zero recycling.
Must be your local one, Aldi has a deal with ozharvest to collect waste food etc.
I worked there in 2010 and the staff got to take home the ones that wouldn’t sell. No discounts were givens to customers. There were times I’d take home 2 dozen. Other times I’d only take 1-2.
When I’d take a lot, I’d usually give them to friends, take them to uni, or to birthdays etc that I’d have. It was great if I worked late on a Friday and had a party on the Saturday. I’d take as many as I could carry!
Not sure if that’s changed now, but they really didn’t want the waste so encouraged us to take them and give them to friends if we wanted.
Yeah if your local insert food place here has some forward thinking people or progressive people you might be lucky otherwise it is follow standard procedures and protocol as per usual.
I was hoping someone had discount codes.for krispy kremes
I know that give them free to any emergency services members after 11 PM.
Thats past my bedtime
No. I don't know about KK but my local Bakers Delight have farmers pick up the entire lot at the end of each day after the staff take a few pieces each.
I haven't stopped thinking about Krispy Kreme since I saw this thread. I love the original glazed, might have to head down to the unfriendly 7-11 near me and buy a 4-pack.