Consumer Rights - Cancelling Flight Ticket Purchased via Travel Agent

Need a help/advice.

I called a travel agent 2 days ago to book a flight ticket. We decided on a flight and he asked me to send the money. I transferred the money but didn't receive the ticket. Next day, I called and they said they will send/confirm the ticket after the money is received. Then I checked with my bank and I noticed there was another pending transaction which made the account balance 'not enough' for the ticket price and the money transferred was not complete.

In the mean time, I heard some news from work and my travel plans need to take a back seat.

The travel agent is now calling me to transfer the money as they have booked the ticket for me contrary to what I was told earlier. I asked them to cancel it as the money transfer hasn't happened.

What to do? Can they still force me to pay for the ticket which they claimed they have now purchased for me?


  • +5
    • Travel agent
    • EFT


    • ?

      • +6

        You don't need travel agents to book flights. It's easily done online and you're more in control and know exactly what terms and conditions are attached.

        You never pay someone with EFT. You have zero safeguards if something goes wrong, or they're not legit. I'm actually surprised they take payment by EFT

        • I did bank transfer and which was cancelled by bank. They are endlessly calling me and sending emails for the ticket amount now

        • You don't need travel agents to book flights.

          That depends on your company rules… we have no choice.

          • @pharkurnell: This isn't work travel though…rather, work got in the way of some personal travel

            • @nedrum: Yes, it was personal arrangement

  • +2

    Did they tell you that they will 'send/confirm the ticket when the money is received' in an email?
    If so, just send that email back to them

    • No had a phone conversation with them

      • +1

        For future. I always ask them to send me an email with what we have discussed.
        Did they ask you if it was okay for them to record the call?
        If they definitely told you that they would not book until you had paid then you can either ghost them (but you won't be able to book with them in future) or you could ring them up and explain to them that were just following their instructions.

        • +3

          Generally, the flight can be booked but is not confirmed until payment is made, usually with 24 - 48 hours [i think].

          I find it strange they would go ahead and actually book & confirm without receiving payment in full, so I call this BS on their part, and they're pressuring the OP to go ahead and make payment regardless so they can complete the sale.

          This mob sound a bit shady to me. Tell them to get stuffed.

  • +8

    Your booking is not final until payment is made.

    Did you sign anything? If not I would not worry.

  • +4

    Doubt the travel agent would have issued the tickets without receiving the full payment.

    Have they given you ticket numbers/PNR that you can cross verify from airline? This way you can check if they actually will be charged penalty now to cancel.

    • Yes checked. They have made the payment to airline.

      • Where did you check?

        • Checked with the reference number they sent today.

          • @jalebi: Bit weird to be honest. Unless your fund transfer did appear in their account and then disappeared again.

            • @bobbified: I did send them the snapshot of fund transfer when I initiated. So that means I am accountable to still pay them now that they have booked ticket ? I might not travel on this flight though

              • +6

                @jalebi: My honest opinion is…. if they've actually paid for the ticket in good faith - because you said you've confirmed the money transfer with a screenshot - I think that if there's a loss, that loss should be yours (regardless of whether they can or can't force you to pay).


                • @bobbified: I agree, seems they were trying to do the best for their customer, it would be unethical to not try to sort it out with the travel agent regardless of what the law says

          • @jalebi: How did you check that it's been paid for? Did you contact the airline? Pretty sure we've all heard stories about confirmed tickets being cancelled when a travel agent didn't pay the airlines and went bankrupted.

      • +1

        that is very very strange… agents dont do that. You sure there is a ticket number?

        If they have infact paid the airline on your agreement (even it is verbal) then I think it will only be fair for you to pay the cancellation fee

        • I checked with booking reference number. Is it same as ticket number ?

          • +2

            @jalebi: No…it is not. Booking reference is when they create a PNR. that is free for travel agents.

            Ticket number is when they have paid for the ticket for you. It is a thirteen digit number (three digit airline code plus 10 digit number)

            • @RM: Oh yes I now see the latest email has ticket number with 13 digits …

  • Block the number?

    • Can block the number and email but why would they pay to airline without receiving money

      • +3

        They are desperate for the commission.

        • +1

          Or maybe they just want to get paid for their work?

          • +2

            @jv: It doesn't sound like the worker followed the procedure. Their fault, their mess to deal with.

            • @whooah1979:

              It doesn't sound like the worker followed the procedure.

              How do you know what their procedure is?

              • +2

                @jv: I don't. However, I've used agents before and they have never ordered tickets without me paying for the ticket in full or a 10% deposit.

                This could of course be one of the new age agents where they pay the airline first and then ask for payment from the customer.

                • @whooah1979:

                  or a 10% deposit.

                  Think of this as a 0% deposit.

      • +5

        why would they pay to airline without receiving money

        Sounds like they were trying to give you the best customer service and securing the tickets before they received the money (with good faith that your fund transfer was successful).

  • +1

    What to do?

    Compensate them for their loss. They have the right to sue you to recoup their losses.

    • It depends if there is a contract. Let the xCAT decide.

      • I don't wanna fight legal battle 😑

        • It's not a big deal. No payment, no contract.

          The agent was too eager to collect the commission that they didn't even wait for the payment. Their boss will give them a roasting and that will be the end of it.

          • @whooah1979:

            No payment, no contract.

            Doesn't seem to apply to house auctions…

  • +5

    I heard some news from work and my travel plans need to take a back seat.

    Tell work to get stuffed and enjoy your flight (after you pay of course)

  • +2

    Are you 100% sure this is a legit travel agent? All of this just sounds very suss.

    • It's called "Mick Gatto Travel Consultants"

      • +1

        I'd walk away. lol

        • From the troubles in your life?

  • If you bought and paid for the ticket then you need to go through the usual cancellation process. However, most airlines aren’t charging change/cancel fees and the agent might wave theirs if you just rebook straight away instead of asking for a refund.

    • +1

      I haven't paid for the ticket yet.

    • +1

      However, most airlines aren’t charging change/cancel fees

      I think you hit the nail on the head with this. Agent probably knows this and booked a confirmed ticket to lock in their commission. They can probably cancel without penalty.

  • +1

    Is this any different to ordering a pizza and refusing to pay when it arrived, or getting a dentist to give you a filling and then change your mind afterwards. In both cases you’d pay for services rendered, so why not this?

    • +1

      In the case of pizza and dentists, you're paying for services rendered by the pizza place and the dentist. In the case of travel agents, they are only an intermediary who is passing on your money to the airline and keeping a little for themselves. They failed at the "pass on your money" bit, and paid with their own money. That's their fault.

  • +1

    I thought your ticket/seat is guaranteed now. You pay the travel agent, the travel agent pays his account to the airlines in due course. If the travel agent doesn't pay his account, the ticket is canceled and you will be out of pocket because you already paid. Had a best jet experience and lucky I paid via Visa. Don't pay direct deposit unless u are a 100% sure the travel agent will pay the airline.

  • -1

    I wouldnt worry about them just don't pick up the phone they are not out of pocket yet.

  • +3

    This is so stupid and avoidable. Why couldn't you open the Airlines website and book the flight ticket yourself?
    Never understood why people use travel agents to book flights.

    • -1

      Agents have access to tickets that we don't, afaik

      • Unless there's a specific partnership arrangement with airfares they don't.

  • -5

    Ignore the people saying you should compensate the travel agent.

    Travel agents need to die as they are no longer needed. So don't feel bad, in fact, you are doing us all a favour.

    • -1

      That is a bit harsh. It's not like they're real estate agents or car salesman. 😉

      • I'm not so sure about that when the majority of the time you are paying extra just to have your rights taken away from you.

        Think about the amount of government/tax money that has been used to keep these travel agents alive, what a waste.

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