there was a 2TB 3.0 USB HD at Harvey norman for $132 (same brand). so went to another HN store and got it sort of price matched with a 3TB 3.0 USB HD
Western Digital MyBook Essential 3TB USB 3.0 $189

Last edited 02/01/2012 - 14:01
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Pricematching deals. Do not lead bargain with price matched price. Use the offered price, then you are welcome to remind people that you can get a price match. Price matching is a bonus.ā¦
*sort of price matched
Do you have reason to believe this deal is available generally? At all HN's or just one specifically? Or was it just a one off deal due to your inimitable haggling skills?
Xyzzy has a point. This is OzBargain, not OzInimitableHagglingSkills!
sometimes the bargain needs InimitableHagglingSkills
That's like saying this is ozbargain and not ozcheapassbehavior which you would need to have for quite a few deals here.
If you have a receipt, it's a valid bargain, isn't it? Most stores will match a receipt from their own company.
Interestingly that's not always the case.
Purchased an ASUS laptop from DSE a month and a half ago for $634. Went to buy another of the same model which was listed as $749 now, and they wouldnt price match their own receipt. Indeed it was a long period of time, but it still confused me, in then end got it online for $570 :pWould have been a better case if you had given an example of HN instead of DSE, which even I know does not price match their own online store, even though it says in store special.
But HN are pretty good with price matching other stores, at least in Canberra
So if we print out the posted receipt HN stores will give us the same deal? I wouldn't have thought that was likely - but if you've successfully tried it with a copy of someone elses receipt that would be good to know; if so it's a great deal.
They won't always sadly - But 9/10 it works, I've found.
JB Hifi definitely do not do this. The Asus Transformer deal from a month or so ago is testament to this.
Oooh, would Officeworks pricematch this? :O
EDIT: Probably not. This receipt is from 21st of December ><"
Even more impressive for me than the bargain itself is seeing that a Harvey Norman store has finally graduated away from using the old dot matrix printers and carbon paper for their receipts! Wow! :)
pricematching isnt a deal
I couldn't even get Harvey Norman Greensborough to price match Harvey Norman Broadmeadows for their WB My Book 2TB 3.0 drives. Greensborough was trying to sell it at $179 and Broadmeadows had it for $129 [though labelled as $128], kept going on about 'old stock'.
"sort of price matched" from nearly 2 weeks ago, on a non-advertised price at one store does not constitute as a bargain sorry
Oh didn't notice it was before Christmas purchase, that's a lifetime in sales terms.
agree. This deal is almost 2 weeks old and outdated. Don't think any store will honour this. Should have been posted same or next day after purchase if OP considered this a deal.
Wazza, where have you been?
someone's knowledge of world affairs is outdated. While that generally is the case, but with the Thailand floods HD prices have risen. The same 3TB External HD deal I got for $120 is now $200+.
I like how u blacked out the persons name who served you.
bargain, try it at your store - as someone else said it usually does work. If it doesn't then oh-well move on.
Good find and thanks for posting
So we're supposed to go to HN and say what? Since 2TB costs $132 a 3TB should only be 50% more? And 4TB 100% more so I guess 6TB will be 200%, right?
90% of sales assistants will laugh at you, it's almost as bad as saying a 6000 mhz CPU should be twice the price of a 3000 one. Can't be considered price matching, not even sort of. More like 'hope you find someone totally clueless'.
HN Sales Assistants laugh at anything and everything. They hire clowns anyway
The last person at HN to serve me was named "Jingles"
I slow lol'd for 3 minutes straight…I'm on the verge of crying from laughter
An Ozbargainer strives to get a better bargain than other ozbargainers …
- Present receipt to HN staff
- ???
- Profit
So this is not a shelf price or set discout offered by the store, rather a haggled price?