It looks like the year is starting out good for major winners by OzBargainers! With Microwaves, Furniture vouchers etc all won, let’s hope the good lucks keeps coming for all! 🥰🎉💰🍀
2021 The Year for Major Prize Winners!

the year is starting out good for major winners by OzBargainers!
With Microwaves
Does not compute. Maybe if someone had won Powerball or Boystown or something…
Parallel universe?
They have all been small prizes for food, vouchers etc. To me, a microwave is a very good win. 🥰
i havent seen these wins..?? where
BoysTown is now called “Yourtown” so my guess you haven’t bought a ticket recently? 🤔
Haven't bought a ticket in it since I won my last house.
😲…..🤣 you nearly had me there!
If I ever win a major prize from a comp I’ve found out about on ozb I’m not going to flag it, not because I’m mean and don’t like sharing the joy, but because your real name is often published when you win a major prize. I prefer to be anonymous on ozb.
Me too but it would be sooooo tempting to blab though.
It is always more exciting to share! Good luck with future wins.
You too, Morse! Thank you. 🥰💐🙏🏻
It looks like the year is starting out good for major winners by OzBargainers! With Microwaves, Furniture vouchers etc all won, let’s hope the good lucks keeps coming for all!
I bought the lotto today, hope the luck continues!
It will, trust me! 😉
Bro, you are not wrong. After years of semi-successful experimentation, I seem to have hit on a 'winning formula' this year that involves careful omission of a couple of dietary items (asparagus is the main one), equally diligent adherence to what's known in other (more regimented/less fun) realms as 'mutual obligations', and liberally applied compliments and expressions of gratitude.
I'm waking up a winner, every morning so far.
Mate, winners are grinners and tag, your it! 🤣