Wood + Electricity
Is it ok?
What if wires frey over time?
Wooden Charging Stations - Are They a Fire Hazard?

Last edited 04/03/2021 - 20:48
So its true, we're a bushfire country after those wooden poles that still catch fire even after rain and lightning! Why aren't we female yet?
Why aren't we female yet?
I don't get it?
Why aren't we female yet?
Can't tell if this is a hardwood pun or not. Too many nuts in the bush?
Doesn't make sense as a pun either.
Probably wooden understand what it meant even if they explained it to us…
Lots of Power Poles "treated" with Copper chrome arsenate (CCA).
If they caught fire it might be Self-immolation.
?? we have stobie poles here..
Also known as car magnets
Timber is a bad conductor of electricity. It's highly unlikely that they will spontaneously combust.
Conduction != combustability.
Wood combusts very well. Metal is a brilliant conductor, but that doesn’t mean it will combust.
With electricity it brings heat, and heat with wood can easily cause it to combust. Wood not recommend.
Do you worry about USB cables touching the carpet?
Worries about 2A at 5V through a USB cable touching wood whilst completely ignoring the fact that thousands of Watts of power are being drawn through electrical wiring through the home attached to wood studs, going to powerboards likely placed on carpet or wood floors, going into much higher wattage/hotter appliances sitting on wood furniture.
if bargain huntress keeps asking questions like this, pretty soon she should be able to hold a conversation with all the knowledge she has attained. they grow up oh so fast
looks at all the power poles in the country, made of wood