Hi All,
Looking at purchasing a new M1 2020 Macbook Air. I'm thinking about trading my Mid 2014 Apple Macbook Pro (with a dead battery). The system is in good physical condition and works fine however requires a new battery (only operates when plugged in). The apple website has offered me $330 for it and I'm considering just taking it.
Gumtree/FB Marketplace has them for sale for about $500 however I have no idea if these listing are even selling.
Should I just accept $330 and avoid the hassle of changing the battery and reselling (or selling notifying the buyer it needs a new battery)?
I also plan to get the free AirPods and sell them (as I already have some). So it should take a total of 430-530 off my overall price.
Thanks all.
Stick it up on gumtree for a few days and see what happens. But I personally would trade it in