Cordless hand mixer USD$79.99 -> USD 116.39 (~A$149.51) delivered
Cordless hand blender USD$79.99-> USD 114.62 (~A$147.21) delivered
I've been researching this for a while
AUS pricing is AUD $259 RRP for both ; model is MODEL: 5KHMB732AER…
; which is a little hard to swallow especially when I know that US pricing is USD $99.99 RRP… ; model is KHMB732ER (ER is Empire Red)
From what I can make out , the differences are that the US has 7 colours but not Almond Cream that Aus model has.
And I assume Aus model comes with an powersupply with AU plugs (and warranty)
Amazon has some colors that go to USD $79.95 semi-regularly (since Dec last year when I started looking) ; if the color you want isn't available ; I suggest you wait for it
There were enough comments on that indicated the powersupply supplied was 110-240V that convinced me to pull the trigger in early Feb.
I have now received the item and can confirm that is the case ; I've charged the unit and it works fine
Of course, the powersupply has a US plug and you will need an US To Australia adaptor which you can pick up for a couple of bucks at the 2 dollar store or online eg if you don't have one lying around from other deals
This is my Amazon.Com invoice details (in USD)
Order Summary
Item(s) Subtotal:$79.95
Shipping & Handling:$25.82
Total before GST:$105.77
Estimated GST to be collected:$10.58
Grand Total:$116.35
28Degrees charged me AUD $153.43 - but this was in early Feb, the amount I put on the deal is the Google rate currently
Enjoy! - I'm off to bake 200 cookies
Edit : Opps; just notice the price is up by 4 cents; I've updated the title
Edit #2 : Picture of the powersupply…
Edit#3 : You can also get the cordless hand blender for the similar money USD 114.62 ~ A$ 147.21 (delivered) vs RRP A$259……
Shows $79.99… am I missing anything?
EDIT: Nevermind, just saw that it is from US website.