Paid Apps Become Free for iPhone

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Join their twitter for notifications of free apps for iPhone when they become available.


Free software or free websites are more suitable to the forums.

Free Software(Freeware) & Free Websites

There are so many useful free software programs and websites out there that if we listed every great one, then we would be inundated with deals. Feel free to discuss any of these in one of our forums. Alternatively, add the freeware to its dedicated free software wiki page – Useful Free Software.

Examples of what you shouldn't post:

 Software: Mozilla Firefox (Free Browser, Always Free)
 Websites: Google (Free Search Engine, Always Free)

Examples of what you should post:

 Software: DVB Web Scheduler Pro is now free (Normally you have to pay for it, now free)
 Websites: Used Car Ads Free on (Free for now but later on not free)


  • You should list the free apps available now, else probably belongs in the forums.

    Smarter Than Smart: Exposition

    Jetpack Joyride

    Penguin Wings

    • The good things about this is always new free apps appear everyday. Just need to subscribe to their tweeter.

  • Looks like a website in Vietnam…

    Would advise using a disposable email for this, since it may attract spam.

    Besides, this isn't technically a bargain. Recommend moving to forums.

    • How you say not bargain when you pay nothing to get all paid apps for free? lol

  • MagiCal works on Lion, I used it to replace the default Apple time which doesn't give you a calendar. Removes the necessity of opening iCal every time you just want to not what day it is on a date.

    • Good idea, I'm going to try MagiCal. I use the date/time pref to show the day and date, but that takes a lot of the menu bar, so with MagiCal I can turn day/date off to save menubar space.

      • OSX Lion allows you to put the day of the week in the menubar so why do you need something else to do this for you….?

        • I happen to always need to know what day is on a specific date. The menu bar shows the current day not future days :)

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