Hey everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone feels the same way I do.
I check OzBargain constantly and buy things I don't need because the price is so good.
I've had to stop myself from using the site at times.
Does anyone feel the same?
Concerning OzBargain ADDICTION

Poll Options
- 91Yes I think I am addicted.
- 75No I only buy things I need for better prices.
You have Oniomania
An obsession with onions?
Depends if they are a bargain or not.
My mother is like um have you seen that new Joker movie?
I check OzB probably 6-10 times a day XD.
I dont always buy though lol
It took me 24.642 seconds to read this post and I could have been shopping…
I check OzBargain constantly and buy things I don't need because the price is so good.
I check constantly, but don't buy things unless I need it.
Yeah the buying stuff isn't a big problem for me, nor is checking too often: it's reading and writing comments AFTER I've check the front page that wastes a little too much of my time.
Leechblock browser extension helps, I've got it set up to block me from coming here if I exceed a certain number of minutes here per hour.
Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, over the years it cost me a lot by buying crap I didn't need, so that taught me a lesson to watch my purchases. I still get mad when I see stuff I bought years ago that I hardly used laying around in my apartment. I use them as a reminder to not impulse purchase these days.
Im always on here checking out the deals and watching people meltdown over price errors and it not being honoured. It helps my day go by quicker
Yes. I know I'm addicted.
Super Simple Auto Refresh is my friend. :+)
I go to the OzB site many many times each day.
It's either news, work or OzB. So I choose OzB.I tend to buy more as my monthly payday gets closer!
If people didn't post threads asking stupid questions all the time I probably wouldn't bother checking OZB so often. There's some grade A shitposting here though, way better than the Australian subreddit or anything you see on Whirlpool these days. I probably should find some Facebook groups that attract some quality shitposting instead, but I use Facebook only for memes right now.
There's some grade A shitposting here though
Can't find good shit, so we make our own: This Is Some Serious Gourmet Shit.
welcome to being a consumer in a capitalist world
I'm sure you've come across numerous deals on dildos, buy one get one free etc - I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you have not stockpiled up on those sexy time fun darts bargains for armageddon? why is that? ok so let's replace "things I don't need" with "things I want"
i would be less adicited if the comments were less memes, and more just on topic.
also if there would be less comps.
and if there was a easy way to be alerted on deals which are super good, as most great deals expire within 1 hour, need to be checking, its basically using the same mechanic as a poker machine, intermittent reward
still i feel like i'm learning about consumer products and stuff jsut by browsing which isn't bad, but i'm taking the advice of people writing on the net, which bascially could be anyone
I check multiple times a day (every 30m or hour, maybe more depending how bored I am) but only buy things I kinda need/want.
At the moment for example I'm in the market for a CPU cooler, dual monitors desk arms and some new shoes.It's rare I see something I don't need and buy it, but it's usually some cheap snack from Amazon.
Let the bargains make your wallet, don't let your wallet make the bargains!
I am beyond addicted!
I come here for the comments. I don't really buy anything.
Does anyone feel the same?
Seek help for your anxiety…
You seem to know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
True ozbargainers don't impulse buy. They know not to waste money.
why think as addiction, think of you have another family, very big one.
helpful, not asking anything in return.
what a blesssame issue :( work is getting affected too
Same here. Anytime I get bored, I feel the need to check the OzB front page. #FOMO
I don't even have the same level of addiction with Whirlpool.Yeah in the same boat ⛵ it's just addicting. It's also the comments
I check several times a day, but probably buy something from a link maybe once every two months on average.
Ever since that one time I picked up amazon price error WD 10TB in 2019 for $129, and the infamous bunnings mavic compensation voucher also in 2019 I legit LIVE on this god damn forum in severe FOMO on the next BIG deal.
I have in the past
What I did was:
make a rule to stay away for a week a month etc if I felt out of control or just like I'm wasting too much time here
I don't let myself worry about anything I miss by reminding myself that another similar deal always comes along eventually. It just takes patience
I started trying to post a deal for every deal I took. Or if I just see one. whether or not I want it if I think it might be useful to others. I actually quite enjoy this
I started a list then spreadsheet of things I want to buy eventually and a price I'm looking for. I don't buy things right away first they get mulled over on the list. I generaly don't buy the first bargain I see, it goes on the list until the next one
I wish I could stay out of these posts. I only skim through the daily email looking for a bargain, but getting involved in discussions here is the time consuming part.
You have Oniomania, seek professional help.
Tell us about your mother…