I only learned very recently about cardano, actually I think I started to notice this week people mentioning it. Anyway today I was at a family BBQ and yep once again a uncle was raving on (obviously he bought it) how Cardano is a bitcoin killer. He said that by the end of the year it will be on par or higher then bitcoin. I would of challenged him on it if I only knew what im talking about. What do people here think? Worth to invest some money on it? Why is it different then any other coin?
What Is Cardano, Why Is It So Good and Why Its Supposed to Overtake Bitcoin?

Mate imagine if I said demecoin is a Bitcoin killer and I invested money into it.
Yep, I reckon demecoin is legit because he regularly post in OzB forums.
uncle was raving on (obviously he bought it)
What’s your Uncle’s track record? And his strategy? Maybe he was following another forum…
I would of challenged him on it if I only knew what im talking about.
You have no idea, but your initial reaction is to challenge him on it ????????????
a uncle was raving on (obviously he bought it) how Cardano is a bitcoin killer.
Tell your uncle to settle down. Every ADA bag holder is wetting themselves thinking that ADA will kill them all just because it's having a good pump. ETH, SOL, EGLD, AVAX, DOT, ZIL, BNB, ALGO, ATOM, etc, all have strong fundamentals. What they lack are network effect and brand recognition. BTC isn't going anywhere.
My third biggest bag. After BTC and ETH. So i'm pretty happy. Beating BTC? Not a chance. Probably not a good idea to buy in right now, during a parabolic run.
Speaking generally about a phenomenon, not dissing OP:
If you ever overhear two professionals (financial, accounting, legal) on a bus dismissively discussing a client and using the term "barbecue advice", this is literally what they are referring to.
It's a particular headache because it results in a client trying to do something weird ("Hey, so I'm going to buy a car wash with my SMSF, then when I pay myself as the owner, it's only 15% tax and the business gets to keep it anyway") and the professional has to invest time into this ("Don't, for the following reasons..") that usually ends up being non-billable time, all because a guy holding a stubbie with no personal stake in someone's wellbeing or future yaps a 'wot i reckon' about how they've outsmarted an entire industry.
If you really want to look successful at a barbecue, pick up the tongs and cook a decent medium rare steak.
If you really want to look successful at a barbecue, pick up the tongs and cook a decent medium rare steak.
Make sure to click said tongs a few times first, and during
You know what they say about fools and their money…
“Buy now, think later”?
If you've only just heard of it now, then it is too late.
Crypto scams are still going?
I heard this rich guy talking about this new fandangled thing called bitcoin a few days ago too ;)
It probably wont go anywhere buy $20 worth incase it does bang like bitcoin then 15 years from now you can sell them for over a million dollars and brag about how you are a world class investor.
Otherwise you lose 20$ makes no difference to your life
Comparing Bitcoin and cardano is like comparing apples to oranges. A better comparison would be ethereum vs cardano. Considering the circulation amount, it will not reach prices like btc or even eth.
FD7 Ventures is up to pumping mischief.
Just buy $10 of ever random crypto people mention to you and hope for the best.
This post sounds very much like someone surreptitiously spruiking Cardano…
"Has anyone heard of this amazing alt-coin that is massively increasing in value and I think everyone should invest in? I'm just asking a question, it's not like I'm trying to pump the value at all"
Ask them what market cap would be for their token price to reach whatever their prediction is
If they don't know (which they likely won't, as for ada to get to even eth unit price levels the market cap would he insane) then they clearly have no idea.
Beware of raving uncles or taxi drivers giving investment advice. Read up on ADA and if you like the sound of it then get a few, NEVER invest anything you can't afford to lose (that goes for ANY investment though, not just cryptos) and diversify your portfolio. Of if you don't feel confident to pick individual coins/tokens then take a look at something like Invictus Capital they have several crypto based funds, seem pretty honest and are quick to answer email queries.
This was your Uncle Elon at the bbq, right?
This is what every person who buys an altcoin says.