As we all (should) know ing has introduced a new requirement to increase your linked "savings maximiser" by month end in order to get the bonus interest.
For those (inc myself) whose account balance is quite volatile, i.e. won't always increase as outgoings are sometimes more than the ingoings, is this a valid work around (i don't see why not).
i.e. current balance is 50k
on the 2nd last day of each month make the savings maximser $1 more than the previous month, or for march 29th (maybe should do this feb 27th) make it $1 by moving temporarily everything else to the savings account (with attached debit card). Hold onto your debit card for dear life.
on the following 1st move it all back into the savings maximiser, leaving only a bit for your needs.
this rule they have put in place seems to be pointless if the above can be done, and ozbargainers stick to this method.
Doing this you lose a day of interest each month on the full month. Why not take out enough to leave $45,000 in high interest account in month 1 and just go up by $1 each month. Problem is it’s likely that we’ll forget once in a while and lose a whole heap of interest. Mind you with current interest rates it’s not really a heap of interest.
I’m currently looking for another bank. UBank looks good. Less conditions.