Very good price, dont forget cash rewards for this Lucas Papaw Ointment 75g $9.95
200g is also on sale Lucas Papaw Ointment 200 g, 200 grams $24.95 and min of 1
Very good price, dont forget cash rewards for this Lucas Papaw Ointment 75g $9.95
200g is also on sale Lucas Papaw Ointment 200 g, 200 grams $24.95 and min of 1
You can try 200g , min 1
Thanks ordered.
You put the balm on? Who told you to put the balm on?
Can this be used in bed? Asking for a friend. Lol. Jk..
I did a spring cleaning once and came up with 10 of these tiny tube ones for paw paw cream all over the house in various travel pouches etc.
um does this actually work? or snake oil really?
Its amazing. I put it on my forehead when I have a fever and in about 2 days the fever goes away!
This stuff works for me. I have chronic patches of dry skin on my face that flakes off and looks terrible, I use only a small amount of this stuff daily in the morning and it prevents my face from peeling off.
Best burn treatment I know of.
This is not real papaya ointment. Read the contents. It contains like 5%.
It's pretty much overpriced vaseline.
Try PURE Papaya. who's products are used in children's hospitals and people with skin issues in hospitals…
Disclaimer: I use to market PURE so I've seen the papaya ointment market. Make sure you read the ingredients and the disclaimers in their ingredients.
And the PURE one has 60mg/g of fermented papaya according to the ingredient list (on the ointment which seems to be the only product which actually quotes a number on the ingredient list), which I'm pretty sure is 6%.
Isn't the only real difference that one product contains petroleum jelly and one doesn't ?
Minimum 2