Hey all,
So I had an old PC that I used for editing but the power supply went toast and took the motherboard and graphics card too.
i7 6700K
GTX 980
32GB 2666 RAM
I edit photos and videos for work. Was acceptable with the performance with the old machine but obviously want an upgrade.
I know I would like a 5900X and 3060 Ti for Adobe Premiere + Lightroom, but there is simply no way to get one at the moment.
Original budget was $3000-4000
I need a PC soon as I have a few edits coming my way.
Options Should I build a cheap
* $1000 Intel machine that's a little bit better than my old PC to get me through (i5 10400F, 32GB RAM, 1650 Super) - Then see what is available in a year then sell and upgrade
* $1500 AMD 3600 + 1660 Super build and upgrade to 5900X +3060 Ti when available
* $3000 Intel build and call it a day (i9 10900K, 64GB RAM, RTX 3070)
Thanks all.
If your using it for work, time is money. I'd invents in the higher performance option if I was you.