Just want something that’s reasonably reliable. The cheap ones today are a whole new level of cheap compared to the cheap ones 10 years ago…so cheap and flimsy feeling, and stopped working in no time.
Is there a particular brand or model that is a bit better than these?
Decent Pocket Digi Scales?

Cheap tinfoil at Costco
What for?
to weigh pockets of course!
I just buy the cheap ones and always have a spare.
To clarify, they don’t need to be “pocket” scales necessarily, they just need to be fairly accurate down to within a few grams, and work with smaller weights (for me about 5-100g). I use them for a variety of jobs - eg weighing shellac flakes, herbicides, etc.
Not everyone buys scales to weigh drugs.Not everyone buys scales to weigh drugs.
It's just the "pocket" ones… (especially those that go down to 0.01 grams! lol)
shellac flakes
Is that the new street name? Thanks for the update.
The search term you should probably use when looking for these online is "kitchen scales", or just the words 'digital', 'kitchen' and 'scale' with no quotation marks. You can buy various types at K-mart for extremely reasonable prices, and they work fine:
Any idea if such scales will work down around the 5 gram level? I can see they work “upto 5kg” and such, but none mention their lower limit. I sometimes need times need to measure out 5,10, 20g amounts
Yes, the digital ones I have used have been surprisingly sensitive at the lower end. Accurate to about a gram. I guess even if you had a dodgy set that could only weigh 20 g relatively accurately, you could weigh out 20 g and then split it up into quarters to get approximately 5-g portions. This method would not be feasible/advisable if you required the the high levels of precision needed to optimise the types of manufacturing processes outlined in the informative documentary series 'Breaking Bad'; but it should be fine for
'… weighing shellac flakes, herbicides, etc.'
Good to know, thanks, GK
Need some baggies too?