Star is set to bring nearly 450 new movies and 155 TV series to the platform, basically doubling the size of the existing content library.
Check out what's included…
Note: As pointed out by people in the comments there was a price increase, but i initially did not include it here because there is nothing that could be done about this now and also this has been announced a month ago. Read about it here
For those that can't seem to see the R18 shows, that's probably because you haven't agreed to their policy thing. It should prompt you when you login or try this link if you don't see it for some reason:
Users who wish to block "Additions to Subscription Services" can do so by adding SUBS to their deals customisation. * Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus etc. are considered additions to subscription services. You can also block seeing deals from certain stores or users by hitting the hide button below. Discussion Thread
Oh today is the day right.