This was posted 13 years 2 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield 3 - Physical Warfare Pack Now FREE!


Its been free for about a week but im sure a few people dont know :/

Remember back when DICE was taking pre-orders for Battlefield 3? Like a lot of games, it offered two different DLC packs through two different pre-order programs. Pre-order from one outlet and you’d get the Back to Karkand DLC pack. Pre-order from another, you got the Physical Warfare DLC pack. But you could only achieve one or the other.

This pissed off quite a few Battlefield fans, and even resulted in a boycott of the game by fans who were annoyed they could never get All The DLC. In order to cool things down, Electronic Arts and DICE compromised by announcing that they’d give away the Physical Warfare pack to everybody sometime in the future, for the low cost of free.

The pack comes with new weapons — the Type 88 LMG, a Flash Suppressor for the SKS Sniper Rifle, the DAO-12 Shotgun and Flachette ammo to fire with it. The Physical Warfare pack is available for download on PC and Xbox 360 right now; Playstation Network players have had it available to them for a while.

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closed Comments

  • have you got the link for the PC one? D:
    I've got BF3 LE from thehut i think it was

  • PC link please! How do I get this?

    • +2

      "On Xbox 360 and PS3, you can find Physical Warfare Pack at no extra charge in the in-game store. On PC, the content should be automatically available in play and visible in Battlelog."
      from here…

      • so on PC, u dont have to do anything and it shows up?

        • Yeah I'm wondering this as well, maybe it'll get pushed out as an update today?

        • Yes, you don't have to do anything. If you haven't realised, the support kit now has the Type 88 LMG unlocked.

        • It showed up a week ago.

  • Thanks, wasn't aware of this.


  • +10

    I am totally pissed. This just removes the point on me getting the Limited Edition from EB Games.

    • +14

      You got the bonus weapons way ahead of most people, so you had an advantage that others didn't have for a long time. Further to that, you've had those weapons so long now that you've possibly unlocked a lot more attachments for them than everyone else.

      Also, haha - you bought from EB.

      • +16

        indeed - what sort of ozbargainer purchases from EB?

        • +1

          I purchase from eb * looks to the sky* but only collectors editions mostly

      • The Physical Warfare Pack was pretty rubbish anyway, the guns were specifically under-tuned so as to avoid any QQ issues.

    • +2

      You got the Return to Karkand add on in LE edition, that's not included in this.

  • I just assumed I was doing better than I thought and had unlocked these, sadly I had not =P
    Thanks for the heads up anyway

  • Any have this on PS3? Not available on ingame store, and weapons still locked. Have the LE version with Back to Karkand installed.

    • It's free to download from PSN store. Just search for Battlefield 3 dlc, it should be there in the listed searched…

      • Thanks, got it.

        Trust me to believe EA -"On Xbox 360 and PS3, you can find Physical Warfare Pack at no extra charge in the in-game store."

    • If you got the Limited Edition (PS3), you would've got an 'Online Pass' leaflet. On one side it had the 'Online Pass Code' and on the other side it had your 'Physical Warfare Pack code'. I've got this on PS3 Limited Edition, hope this helps you mate.

      • The back of my Online Pass has an ad for Medal of Honour website. Sorted above anyway, thanks.

  • +1

    Great find OP! I had no idea this was now freely available. Tips hat in your direction

  • It's a joke that some people originally had to pay money for this DLC.

    • I thought you couldn't buy this DLC. I thought it was only for people who pre-ordered until now.

  • Nice, now I just got something for nothing.

  • thanks for posting OP, just added to download queue!

  • +1

    I love the low cost of free :D

  • Ermmm, wtf is the OP talking about?

    Every Australian retailer that offered a pre-order on BF3 stocked the ONE and ONLY version of BF3 that was available. That's the Limited Edition (thus including B2K) WITH the Physical Warfare pack.

    There was NO other version of the game on sale in Australia at launch.

    I and about 10 other people I know personally all pre-ordered BF3 and we all got the exact same version with BOTH B2K and the Physical Warfare Pack with the useless weapons/attachments no one found remotely good; even from Amazon or other online distributors.
    To my knowledge Back to Karkand is the only official, stand-alone DLC released thus far for BF3.

    Getting back to the original topic, I'm withholding a positive vote on this since I guarantee you, you will find the Type 88 LMG + Supressor, SKS Supressor and DAO-12 ABSOLUTELY USELESS.

    The M249 absolutely craps all over the Type 88 and is the second unlock for Support, the DAO-12 is unanimously considered under-powered and ridiculously close-range and the SKS suppressor is essentially a non-item since you need 71,000 Recon points to unlock it and Recon is by far and away the worst class in BF3, unless you enjoy talentless MAV camping.

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