Need advice on Refinancing or negotiating interest rates for home loan

I am trying to negotiate my interest rate on my home loan (std variable) with a major bank.
However after phoning their mortgage specialist they advised me they cannot negotiate on my current home loan as it is already a "no frills" product (with no annual fees). They also advised me that because I setup this loan via a broker, that they cannot adjust anything and I would have to go through my broker to do so. However they had another product with lower interest rate (0.3%) with offset option but with a $375 p.a fee.

I spent almost 30 min. on the phone and was getting no where with negotiating, I told them various other competitors rates whom were lower (a mixture of bank lenders and online) and they advised they cannot compare with online lenders.

Are they just bullsh*ting me or what?
They also told me I would need to put in a new application (whole process) to change over to their other "better" product.

Want some advice before I speak to my broker.


  • Two words: Mortgage Broker!

    Just get them to find you a better deal, present that to your current lender & if they won't come to the party, vote with your feet! There's a number of online calculators that tell you how much it's going to cost to refinance, and how long it will take to offset the exit penalties by virtue of reduced fees/interest etc! :)

    They can compete with anyone, the party line with most major banks is just that they won't!!!

    Also, my lenders have never asked for a reapplication to move between products…this doesn't really seem reasonable to me, it sounds like they might want to lock you into some other terms & conditions you may not currently be bound by. I'd look very carefully at what you're signing if you decide to do this.

    Either that or they just want another free round of application/admin/setup fees! :p

  • It's hard to advise without knowing what features you need or what, size of loan etc. Find a competitors product that you'd like and put that to them. If they don't budge and it's better value, leave them.

    That said is this any good to you?

  • There is someone at work that sits next to me. All he's been doing for the last few weeks is calling up banks and mortgage brokers to negotiate a rate (he's got 4 houses/investment properties). His modus operandi was to first get an offer from a broker, then go to his bank and ask them to match it, and then go back to the broker etc.

    I think he's now switched to a different lender and has managed to get a very good rate.

  • We are with a big bank and they wouldn't negotiate. We'll probably move next Feb once our early exit fees don't apply.

    See this thread for more info…

  • most lenders will negotiate and match rates at the moment. it would be easier if we had some more information like current bank, loan amount and property value and your current rate.

  • We got a .9% discount of the standard variable rate for the life of our mortgage just by asking when we bought our new house. We used our banks mobile lender and when he came out we said up front; you're going to want to give us the best deal you can as we're happy to go with someone else.

    Super convenient for us; have an offset account.

    Good luck with your negotiations!

  • we'll, let me disclose this…one of the big 4 major banks has offered me 6.31% comparison rate…but i need to pay $350/yr on the wealth package…that $350/annum waives all bank fees off my various accounts and a free mastercard + amex..and they recently upgraded me to diamond award status…

    it all comes down to your broker…i've stuck to 1 broker (employed by the major bank) and have been a customer of that bank since 1983…

    6.31% variable is the best that i've seen so far, when u consider all the stuff it provides for that $350/annum…

  • Ubank is giving 6.14% variable with assurance that u will get .20% discount always..with 350$ u can easily get a platinum amex..i had my previous loan with westpac and they gave me all the features u mentioned..but i am happy that i moved to ubank as it saved me from paying additional 2-3 years of interest !!!

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