Rainbow Vs Delphin Vs Ritello Vacuum

Hi all, you probably had a free demo cleaning by rep from one of these brands, which all have water as filtration. I was honestly pretty impressed with the vacuum, but am put off little bit by the price. I got a demo by Ritello, but little disappointed it didn't have a shampooer head.

Just wondering if you have any preference over which brand?

Also, are these machine just generic pattern sold to different players, much like mattress?

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  • If you call the person who came to sell it to you after a few months, they will do a price far, far lower than they told you.

    • Mind pm me how much did you get it down to?

      • I honestly can't remember, it was years ago and I didn't end up buying, but from memory was around 50% off or something equally as ridiculous.

  • We’ve got a Delphin and Miele vacuum, as well as a Dyson handheld at home.

    The Delphin is great for those deep cleans but I find it too much of an effort to use on a weekly basis. I prefer to use my Miele for those quick/weekly cleans and leave the husband to deal with the Delphin.

    If you are looking at buying just be mindful on who in the house will use it and if they are comfortable/can be bothered to. For me it’s a bit of an effort to fill up with water/clean at the end of the job. But seeing the amount of dirt that comes out is very satisfying.

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