Call of duty MW3 - $63
..and many other cheap titles
Check out this link
Skyrim $59 from Harvey Norman + $3.95 Delivered

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Created 26 December 2011. This is the first post. Makes no mention of the fact they don't sell PC games. Smells like rep/sock-puppet.
$56.99 delivered at ozgameshop?
Not a bargain, as said above, cheaper elsewhere.
(… )
first post, hopefully last post… check out the site before you post up, how many harvey norman links do we need
first post, hopefully not the last post.
hopefully learns and comes back with bettererererer stuff. :)
Cheaper at ozgameshop and $69 at dungeoncrawl with 2-3 days delivery
Old Harvey is still charging $20 more than UK even after he removes the GST…
Link is to PC version instead of Xbox360 which is GBP4 more…
Cheaper elsewhere.
Lassoo lists Harvey Norman Direct Import prices as just 'Harvey Norman'. So, when I went to price match Saints Row 3 at EB Games, I ended up getting it for $57.00 - they didn't realise that it was the direct import price.
Not a bargain.
Same games are cheaper elsewhere.51 dollars on Ebay even… I like hoe retailers complain about falling sales, advertis a radical sale price but then actually put the prices up instead of down.
Not a bargain.
Much cheaper on other import websites. This is not a bargain.
Crap deal
Considering this site has been posted up a few times on OzBargain over the past few days I don't know whether to say dupe or not.
Smells of rep to me.