I begrudgingly decided to try this but procrastinated too long to get this deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/595815 or this one: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/597566
this is the best deal I could find at the moment.
Total today A$1
Price after trialA$480A$199A$73.63 total for 6 months
Starter FeeA$30A$0
14-day trialA$40A$1
I also got a $1 fortnight trial but I don't think that is related to the coupon.
they tried to get more money during sign up for 'custom meal and workout plans' so i don't know what i just paid a dollar for but anyway… be careful to resist that.
as other people have recommended i paid using paypal to make cancelling easier.
i am having trouble with the app but my phone is cr@p
be warned this thing has a lot of glossy advertising but i don't know how much substance.
from other peoples post i'm guessing its an a.i. type of thing not a human coach.
so seems pretty expensive for that.
i will try to remember to post some comments once i try it thoroughly.