I was visiting Dan's place and saw quite a selection of Mountain Goat beers on special at Member Only prices for 6-packs. $15 or $16 depending on your State.
Pale Ale 6 x 330ml bottles(danmurphys.com.au)
Organic Steam Ale 6 x 330ml bottles(danmurphys.com.au)
Fancy Pants Amber Ale 6 x 375ml cans(danmurphys.com.au)
Hightail Ale 6 x 330ml bottles(danmurphys.com.au) (showing as out of stock online, but your local store may have some)
Although it's not on the web site the Launceston store has the Summer Ale 6 x 375ml cans(danmurphys.com.au) on the shelf with the special ticket price. The checkout girl had to get a price-check done before she'd put it through, and I confess didn't get a pic of the price.
Fancy pants and Hightail used to be good but last few times I bought they were pretty bad