Hi everyone
Was looking to buy a cricket bat and found this website, Online Stockist (https://onlinestockist.com/) who sell bats and other cricket equipment for cheaper than buying locally. I was wondering if anyone else has bought from them before, and since they're located in India, have there been any additional fees, duties etc. that you had to pay to get a bat to Australia.
Alternatively, are there any Australian stores you are aware of that sell bats at a low price?
Any help is appreciated
Knowing our government, you will never receive the package of your bats and will be put on ASIS watchlist for importing "dangerous and lethal weapons of mass destruction".
Also, that website has an SSL certificate issued by "Let's Encrypt" (free and provided to anyone), so I wouldn't really trust it with my bank card details… smells like a scam.
Just buy local and save your efforts.