eBay Plus - Another Dodgy Click Bait Warning

If you have been contemplating the eBay plus free trials, do not sign up following a promotional popups on mobile platforms. You will be charged fees straight away with no trial period. I contacted support about the issue twice and they refused to comply with their 1 month free trial period because I did not follow the dedicated free trial link.
I think it is a double standard and lame marketing click bait.
Very disappointing.

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  • +6


  • It happened to me once and they refunded me the fee.

  • -2

    So it's eBay' fault you did not follow the proper instructions?

    • -6

      I should have been more careful that's for sure.
      It did cross my mind but I just assumed that eBay plus was a product that you sign up and get a default 1 month free, regardless of how I got to the sign up page.
      I'm just hoping that my post helps someone not to make the same mistake. Mkay?

    • it appears people do not read T and C, I always make an effort where I need to enter payment details to read them before I click submit. The banner bait does have these T & C in it. A little shit on ebays part yes. But it is clear.

  • +1

    Sounds like Facebook news

    • oh wait…

  • "Please put down your weapon. You have twenty seconds to comply."

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