Unlimited downloads of Stock Photos for only $10 per month.
* No download quotas.
* Normally $20 per month - discounted to $10 per month.
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Unlimited Download of Stock Photos (from The Unlimited Collection) for $10 Per Month @ Stock Photo

Last edited 18/02/2021 - 14:45 by 2 other users
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Not all heroes wear capes
Agreed. Those are amazing free resources. No qualms there.
However if you need greater diversity and range of images, the paid alternatives include:
* https://www.shutterstock.com/pricing
* https://www.istockphoto.com/plans-and-pricing
* https://stock.adobe.com/plansWe think this one's a pretty good deal (and there's no download quota).
Can we get the Mod to add in that the "no download quota" only applies to their UNLIMITED Collection?
Which is an absolute joke - when you mention that paid gets you "Greater Diversity"
Look at what ridiculous images comes up when you turn on the UNLIMITED filter.
Kangaroo - https://stockphoto.com/search2.php?q=kangaroo
And pretty dodgy that the link advertised takes you to a page that only shows 1 collection/price, while the "actual" pricing page shows both collections. I'm negging for that attempted deception.
@laurenclarke: Sorry, I don't buy that. You (StockPhoto, as opposed to laurenclarke posting the deal on OzB) have created a situation where users are funnelled to a page which completely omits the "premium" pricing tier. And it's not even a case of that page containing a separate or unique offer which would be a deal for going to that page (or something that could be tracked for how effective your campaign offering is) - the "deal" is still on the real pricing page, just next to the pricing tier it's up against.
That's not a rookie mistake, that's a deliberate attempt at removing transparency and confusing potential clients / users.
@beeawwb: No stress. I appreciate the feedback (and obviously the clarification for other ozbargainers).
My learnings for next time is to be clear about which product the deal I've submitted relates to.
If I appeared to be trying to be extra sneaky then it was an unconscious effort.
My Mum (who's also on here) can attest that I'm not probably not smart enough to be THAT sneaky :)
'#nohate' just doing my job. Really hope my bumbling around here doesn't detract from what I think is a pretty cool offering. As with most products, it has to fit a user's needs, otherwise it doesn't make sense. HTH
That's so dodgy. Upvoted for visibility!
the cricket one is amusing, mostly tennis photos
Always wanted to know what to do after bagging a kangaroo. Of course it is to put a leash on it.
How do the photographers make a living on these?
by suing
depends how you use it in personal or professional life though. There are certain legal restrictions in play.
Very true and important to keep note of, especially when using images for commercial purposes. That said, having looked through them, the licences for the 5 linked sites are pretty broad. Freeimages is probably the most restrictive.
Pexels license
Unsplash license
Pixabay license
Freeimages license
Splitshire licence
The free alternatives are great, but what you're comparing this seems to be the likes of what shutterstock and gettyimages offer.
Yup correct
Arguably this may be the case for the Premium collection, however the OP's offer is not for that collection.
Thanks, just noticed that it's not for the Premium collection. In that case, it's a bit misleading.
Negging because it isn't unlimited, there is a limited set of photos that you can download unlimited times.
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