Seems like a good price with the Auto Empty Station included. Even cheaper again with the 5% off Ebay Gift Cards for $1086 total approx.
[eBay Plus, Afterpay] Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO-T8+ $1159 + Delivery/Pickup @ The Good Guys eBay

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EDIT - actually, maybe not, not sure it's the new AIVI one that Amazon had up a couple of weeks ago.
That's a great price with the auto-empty station included
Seems to be LIDAR only no cam.
Yeah, I only thought about that afterwards, so it's one revision old, it seems.
T8 is actually newer than the aivi. I sent my aivi back and just got the T8 today. As i plan to run in evenings the aivi performance is not as good.
@F1Maniac: There's a bit of confusion here, I think. Model numbers matter - I've got the ECOVACS DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI
@mickeyjuiceman: They certainly do, just stating that the T8 itself was released later \ after T8 Aivi. Performance wise thr T8 has 3d sensors in addition to lidar to assist obstacle avoidance. While aivi has camera for that but not 3d sensors. Aivi needs lighting if using the cam for obstacle avoidance.
@F1Maniac: We have the AIVI, the thing is a goddamn miracle in a box, it is the second robovac we have and TBH the thing works wonders. The mopping feature is up to par also.
This would be significantly easier if all these vacuums didn't have incredibly complicated model numbering systems. It's one of the reasons I haven't upgraded already, too hard to compare different models even within the same maker and brand (xiaomi / roborock is especially guilty of this).
$1000, it gives BJ's as well as vacumes?!
But seriously, what on earth does this thing do that the $200 ones don't?
Empties itself…
In my council bin?
You still have to lift the bin and dump it yourself. What's the difference than just empty the built-in bin yourself? Oh, I get it, so you can pay twice as much - just to show off?you obviously haven’t thought of the scenario of the built-in bin getting full before the machine finishes cleaning the whole room(s) and no one is at home to empty the bin and resume operation
Without being an expert on these things, the more expensive ones map and clean the house in an efficient and complete manner using lasers. The cheaper ones just randomly wander round with the idea that eventually they'll cover all the floor, or get stuck.
I don't see that you REALLY need the map just ensure your floors are reasonably clear of obstructions.
Mind you, the super cheap $330 xiaomi also uses lidar, proper logical pathfinding, will map your house out, save the map, and has cleaning performance that's probably 80 percent of the high end of the high end model. The value for money here really drops off pretty sharply when it comes to high end robot vacuums.
Self emptying dock does sound pretty tempting though, but i am put off by the cost of the bags and the thought that without me checking what it's vacuumed up something important might go in it accidentally.
I have the S5 Max and the camera obstacle thing seems to be hit and miss still on some video reviews on YouTube. The bag emptying thing is cool but will wait a few years until Roborock brings out their own cheaper model with it.
Not worth paying double and a half for this Deebot when you don't get double and a half the performance or value.
honestly way better off buying a 400$ one and replacing it in a few years when the next gen 400$ ones have even better technology than the current 1k ones.
"The value for money here really drops off pretty sharply when it comes to high end robot vacuums" that's valid for everything money can buy tho. For those who can affort high(er) end stuff like this, they may compare with Roomba i7+ or something on the same level and think this is a actually bargain.
Totally different species. Cheaper ones doesn't have mapping and obstacle avoidance, which makes it useless, either missing some area or getting stuck somewhere.
Yeah, the $200 ones are a waste of money, these ones actually work, and work well.
As far as I know all the xiaomi and roborocks have mapping, even their $300 models work very well. Just read some reviews, I have two $300 Roborocks first gen for 3-4 years, never missed a beat!
Gosh 1k! Can this fly?