Hey guys,
Mum got a new car (Hyundai, yet to pick up), but after signing paperwork, she sat down and spoke with someone about window tint. They offered her "Ceramico" tint (assuming it's ceramic tint) for $500 (lifetime warranty), but she said no when she was there.
Now she's considering getting it, but I told her I'd ask around first. A quick google (some older WP threads) say $500 is way expensive for tint, and can be done for under $300.
Wondering if anyone has any opinions on this tint &/or price.
Quick Google found nothing (yet) for "Ceramico", so perhaps it's a generic in-house name Hyundai uses to sound 'quality'?
If too expensive, can anyone recommend a type of tint, and/or where to get tint done in (western) Sydney area ?
I think she was considering 20% rear-passenger windows, 35% driver/passenger windows. I believe this is the Legal limit for NSW ?
I scanned the brochure if anyone wanted to look.
Thanks in advance,
Ceramic tint with racq (qld) ranges from 325 (for a sedan/hatch) to 500 for a people mover. Life time warranty with an organisation that should still be around in a couple of decades. Link: https://www.racq.com.au/cars-and-driving/products-and-servic…
I’d go aftermarket with a reputable company.
Edit: I went ceramic tint with my car, I think it helps with heat reduction. I’m unable to tell the difference between standard tint and ceramic tint as I couldn’t do a side by side comparison.
Probs might not be a big difference between aftermarket and dealer ($100-200), if your mum feels safer getting the tint through Hyundai, then it might be worth paying extra to do so… it may become your problem if things go south with aftermarket, or if your mum perceives it to be of lower quality.