These are highly regarded as top tier for ear buds. $449 at JB HiFi. I can’t personally say much about them but it seems like a very good price.
These are highly regarded as top tier for ear buds. $449 at JB HiFi. I can’t personally say much about them but it seems like a very good price.
Check some reviews online will be your best bet. From what I have seen the sound is a huge step up on AirPods.
Check the reviews at the bottom of the Amazon page, they seem to be very good.
Yeah I might have to look at RTINGS and hope they have a comprehensive review, or some other outlet. Thanks for the post though.
You’re welcome
I popped a couple of reviews on
Is this still a Panasonic / Aiwa / Technics product? or just a licensed brand?
Looking at the model number it looks to be truly Japanese.
Thankfully it seems Panasonic has not sold this brand off to a Chinese company.
That helps explain the price.
These are highly regarded as top tier for ear buds.
By who?
This is a better deal if you want top tier wireless ear buds.
Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 - $249
arguable… some people like the way Sennheisers sound, some don't. Some love Yamaha sound, some don't. I have no idea if Technics have 'a sound' as they've not made anything modern for ages…
Been considering some wireless earphones since Mask + Glasses + Wired Earphones is a bit of a nightmare to deal with at the same time
I'd hold off a bit until the implantable ones are released soon…
Earbuds (USA Version)
Are the left and right ones switched around the other way???
Not familiar with these, are they really better than Airpods Pro?