Hi everyone, I just discovered I have potentially been given the wrong TV by big W. I received one with a remote that looks different, with no google assist on it and the back of the TV says smart TV. I have contacted big W numerous times and they insist I got what I bought. I was wondering if you could share a picture of your TV's model/serial number so I can verify that I didn't in fact receive what I ordered?
Did Anyone Purchase The 50inch EKO Android TV with Google Assistance Last Year? HELP NEEDED

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I did, and they are completely different but this was the response from big W:
By its nature, the TV is also a "smart TV". The store manager phoned you the following morning, confirming that the TV ordered was the one provided to you, and that it was a "smart TV". He said you then noted that the details on the "receipt" (Tax Invoice) forwarded to you
after pick up, differed to your initial order. He asked that you forward a copy of the Invoice, which you did. We also obtained a copy from OMS, (online ordering system). The two invoices matched, and in turn matched what was ordered as per your online order.
He communicated this back to you.He said you then noted that the TV didn't have Google Assist. We investigated this through a number of online reviews, all which confirmed that the model ordered did have
Google Assist. (We did note that the remote supplied could vary, but the one provided in the packaging purchased from BigW was appropriate). Again the store manager rang and spoke to you, reiterating the TV was a smart TV.There's 2 different models with different prices.
Have a look at your online order information, and see which model it links back to. That's the one you bought, and I'd push that with Head Office, or their Online Ordering support team (forget the local store). But main thing is to check which model you actually ordered online in the first place
The main thing is the 2 different RRP's. They can't just say both are TV's, so you should just get what you're given etc
Im dealing with Head office now, and they wouldnt budge even when i have supplied all my evidence…
The only way to prove it to them ( and to me) is that someone else has purchased the same TV and received the correct one…
EKO 50" 4K Ultra HD Android TV with Google Assistant- Black
Does it say that on the invoice? Then that's your golden stick and what you can use.
The problem now is proving TV received months ago wasn't correct.
Timing isnt an issue but they are insisting I received a smart TV which is what i bought…
I think you're conflating 2 distinct things which is where it's getting confusing.
You DID receive a 'Smart TV'. Even that cheap $429 TV above is 'Smart'.
You did NOT receive an 'Android TV with Google Assist' which is what appears stated on your invoice/receipt.
You can have a Smart TV that isn't Android/Google which seems to be what they're trying to pawn you off on a technicality.
@Hybroid: Yeah seems like whoever is at the other end at Head Office, really isn't technologically literate
All you can do is take it up with Consumer Affairs Victoria. They sold you the more expensive model on discount, but gave you the cheaper model.
You are arguing it doesn't match the description (on the invoice):
https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/products-and-services/proble…So that would be this one?
What model do you have!?
This exact one
and the model number on your TV is?!
Article number, invoice etc all match the better TV
All you can do is try to talk to someone else at Head Office. Escalate it as much as you can till you get someone who sees sense
It was the one discounted from $599 back in oct
Yup. That's the one. I even showed them the Ozbargain post!! They are now asking their Online Ordering store to investigate..the sage continues
I bought this same TV for my daughter in her games room and I remember going over this at the store at the time because I knew this would have happened to me. I even made them open the box on the loading dock to check it matched the $399 model that was shown in the advertising.Mine is the one with the black remote and the Google assistant logo button in the middle of the remote.Oops. Nope, just went and looked and mine is the 55 inch version…
Lesson learnt!! Thats for sure!
Supply evidence as images so people can see what you are writing about.
Sorry I intended to do that, I just figured out how to share images, will do now!
What I ordered:
https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/385456/86939/screensho…What I received:
https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/385456/86940/20210214_…Okay we have what you got, but what does the invoice say? You have included screen capture of the current BIGW web site.
The BIGW model 63629 is the one you have from the BigW web site if I take the info you received.
You referenced the BIGW model 74658 from the web site in the pics, but as I have said what does the invoice say?
If you invoice says 74658 then say the model supplied was the wrong one (63629) and as such you want it swapped over for the correct one, but one issue is how long ago it was bought.
Good luck.
This my invoice stating product code 74658 matching the more expensive TV….only if Big W would listen or read..
@Needaholiday1986: That's a phone screen capture. What does the physical invoice say?
Did you get a physical invoice?
@AndyC1: It was ordered online therefore only received an electronic copy
@Needaholiday1986: Okay now this is a proper invoice.
Send this off to BIGW head office with the three photos of what you have received (do NOT include any of what I orders photos as it will confuse them and they will ask like I have for an official invoice).
Also say they you ordered from BIGW the 50: EKO Ultra HD Android TV with Google Assistant, BIGW part # 74658 for $399 as per the invoice, BUT you received an inferior TV BIGW part # 63629 that was an 50" Smart UHD LED TV with Netflix. As such I would like the TV to be swapped out with a new " 50: EKO Ultra HD Android TV with google Assistant, BIGW part # 74658 " or refunded my $399 so I can then purchase another TV with Google Assistant by the end of this week (19-Feb-2021) or I will be left with other choice than to make a complaint to the Consumer Affairs Victoria or equivalent in your state.
If you do not put a date on when it needs to be resolved then BIGW will drag their feet. If BIGW dispute this then ask if there was any discrepancies with either model at the BIGW store you bought it from in the last stock take as this will indicate that the wrong TV was supplied.
You have been given the wrong TV, but you should always check what you bought before you take delivery and potentially sign away that you got the correct goods.
@AndyC1: What proof is there that OP isn't doing something dodgy?
And don't say the onus is on Big W, because they'd have signed copies of delivery slips etc
@spackbace: …Because this came directly from Big W (with regards to pictures I took of the TV):
The model details in the photos, allowed us to match the TV, both in description and key code as ordered on the 23rd October (and in what was actually delivered).
@AndyC1: Thanks for your advise! I do realise it's been a long time since purchase, as the TV was used in the spare room and relatively cheap, I didn't bother to go through all the checks. It was only during the lastest round of lockdown, we decided to download Stan and realise we couldn't etc.. I have sent through similar response to Big W, will see what they come back with.
@AndyC1: Long time lurker first time poster. Although not under the most favourable circumstances :)
Is 4k mentioned on your invoice or emails from Big W?
That is the easier to describe feature difference. The cheap one is FHD, the expensive one is 4k.
The one I received is also 4K, the back of it says 4K Ultra HD Smart TV.
https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/385456/86935/20210213_…spackbace is right, they are both 4k.
The K500USN you have appears to be SKU 63629 and comes with a generic UI. It has the IR receiver at the bottom centre of the screen
What you ordered is SKU 74658, the K50USG. It comes with Android TV/Google assistant and has the IR receiver at the bottom left of the screen, right next to one of the legs.
Unfortunately they don't advertise model numbers on their website, only SKU's.
Sorry, I misread your links.
You received the following TV
You ordered this one
The model of this is K50USGSeems pretty obvious to me.
If they have no stock, I guess all you can push for is a refund.I thought the same, but both the Store Manager and Store Experience representative insisted that I received what I bought. I couldn't have make it any clearer that these are two different TVs. Ahhhhhh
Ok now here's the problem… it's 4 months later, and you're trying to swap a worse TV for something better.
Let's look at it from the other side - What if you had bought, and received, the better TV. You then go and buy the worse model, and try to say you received it back in October. What proof do you have to show that this wasn't the case?
They could've have done a stock count on their end to verify?
They're never accurate, given human error, theft etc.
Any other proof?
If you can't prove the above scenario is unlikely, then you won't be able to swap your TV and it'll be a massive uphill battle
Giving out the incorrect TV is also a possibility of human error that they need to acknowledge.
they need to acknowledge.
Yeah, they won't. It's not up to the call centre person to accept responsibility for other staff members, or to say something which could be used against them.
There's two models…
Compare the remotes on those, and check your invoice