Samsung Buds live - lost charging case

Hey all,

I have lost my samsung buds live charging case….sigh…

Need a replacement case and have boiled down to few options;

  1. Wait for one to pop-up on FB marketplace
  2. Buy charging case from wish/ali express
  3. Buy fake buds and chargung case from wish/aliexpress (same price as charging box alone…)
  4. Hopefully someone has one spare….

The wish/ali express are obviously fake, though same price for buds and charger set vs charging case alone

Question: would you risk it with a fake charging case with your genuine buds live???

Its hard for me to check voltages etc as not published

Thanks for your thoughts :😎


  • +1

    5.Contact Samsung?

  • Samsung cross checks serial numbers if you send off to repairs.

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