Another little freebie for the Watch Dogs Legion players among you.
For PC: go to website and redeem
Console owners: link your accounts by visiting the Ubisoft website and then use website to redeem
You will get a jacket, mask, and a hat.
Another little freebie for the Watch Dogs Legion players among you.
For PC: go to website and redeem
Console owners: link your accounts by visiting the Ubisoft website and then use website to redeem
You will get a jacket, mask, and a hat.
Waiting for that sub $25AU price lol It'll be a nice little surprise when I boot it up and go "whoa, look at this free stuff, how did I get this stuff!"
I'm in the same boat - I only just bought Watch Dogs on PS4 for $5 at CEX so it will be a while before I get to Legion lol
You're not missing much I didn't think much of it overall and seems that most people agree looking at metacritic it's a pretty massive disappointment. Great for a $5 game though
And don't have to own the game to redeem either, in case you think you might get it at some nebulous point in the future.