Tweed Heads South, on Minjungbul Drive, near Tweed City Shopping Centre.
Cheapest price for bananas I've seen, brushed potatoes there too for 90c/kg.
Cavendish Bananas 69c/Kg @ Tweed Discount Fruit N Veg

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closed Comments
Per kilo or pound?
Pound for sure.
Does that include delivery? :-)
99cents is pretty common for bananas here of late, and we're pretty well banana'd out. 6 months ago at this price they'd have had a stampede but now it's probably not even going to draw any extra customers for them.
At that price though if you're in the area anyway, it would be worthwhile getting a few kilos to peel and pop in the freezer. Throw it in the blender with a small amount of milk, and it makes a yummy smoothy.
Enough banana deals, someone copy ozpete's rant lol
Just got back from USA they were 36cents + tax a kilo there….now thats a bargain!