I've been waiting for a sale on the Omnidesk range and saw up to 25% off all desks plus free shipping currently (apply coupon code for free shipping). Could not find an expiry date.
Not as good of deal as the Black Friday (November) sale which was up to 51% off.
OMNIDESK PRO 2020 - Desktop Size: Small (48x30in) (122x76cm) $750 (was $900)
OMNIDESK PRO 2020 WILDWOOD COLLECTION - Large $1,270 or Small $1,150 (was $1300)
OMNIDESK ZERO Small 48x30in (Static Fixed Height, non adjustable) $450
Edit: Discount for 'up to 25% off' already applied, code is for shipping.
Sure this is for all desks site wide? I'm only getting free shipping with the code.