G'day all.
New parent here with 18+ month old. I would like to educate myself bit more about parenting challenges and child / developmental psychology. What are some good resources? (mostly interested books).
G'day all.
New parent here with 18+ month old. I would like to educate myself bit more about parenting challenges and child / developmental psychology. What are some good resources? (mostly interested books).
This is what's wrong with society.
There is something that stuck with me from when I was in uni.
It's hard to be a parent and even with knowledge, it's still difficult, and that was coming from a lecturer who teaches developmental psychology.
Eh, I think you can have all the good intentions, do the things that you think is right, and still (profanity) up so badly.
I still despise what my dad did when I was young, in the name of character building. More like social anxiety disorder, depression and trauma building.
I think it'd be nice to talk with someone professional.
They'd have up-to-date knowledge on the field and they'd be able to see how the kid is doing and give you advices and plans that'd suit you.
I have found attachment theory fairly interesting, but I don't really have a book per se.
The wonder weeks.
How to talk so kids will listen.
No drama discipline.
The whole brain child.
The book you wish your parents had read.
I've read the above plus others but these stood out for me.
Thanks. Wonder weeks is a great one. will look into the others
If you follow books; you’ll be more worried about if you’re following a books guide rather than focusing on the actual issues and thinking of ways to best deal with it yourself.
Do what you think is right / best for your child and your family. Sometimes you’ll get it wrong, learn from it and do better in the future.
Do what you think is right / best for your child and your family
Can be counterintuitive with all the social peer pressure such as tutoring and so on.
A book won’t be able to definitively tell you how you need to raise your unique child.
Who cares about what other people think or do.
Unless you’re incompetent and clearly doing the wrong thing;
Knowledge from books is not really to apply religiously on every occasion. Just for context around what could be going on that we dont catch through observation and it also helps to prepare ourselves on what should we be doing more in coming weeks or months to support his development.
For instance wonder weeks app and book really helped us understand the early growth stages and changes in behaviour and response which we’d otherwise would have misunderstood with something else.
Just don’t spend too much time worrying what you should be doing, could be doing or haven’t done yet.
By the sound of it; you are committed to being a good parent / role model.
So I don’t doubt you’ll do a good job with your child(ren) :)
Yes thanks, was recommended to us by the community nurse. It’s very good.
Dan Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson - No Drama Discipline. Very well written and practical book by two psychologists. Focuses on developmentally appropriate interactions and evidence-based strategies
Animal Farm
Sky news ?
ISBN 1569756546
How to Make a Serial Killer ???
Thread closed (requested by OP)
Demonstrate what you teach/preach, as you are your child’s role model.