Why Do I Always Need to Pee after I Wash My Hands? Do You Experience This?

Everytime I wash my hands, the urge to pee follows.

Why? What causes this?

Do others experience this?


  • +23

    Username checks out.

    • +2

      Tell me 'bout it… Reminds me of this recurring dream I have about waking up in 1955…

      • +2

        Great Scott!

      • You've taken this discussion about peeing and turned it into some serious shit.

  • +16

    not exactly, but I have the urge to wash my hands after I pee.

    • +3

      stop peeing on your hands!

    • I wash my hands, then get frustrated because I have to pee. Then wash again!

      • +2


      • Why do you need to wash your hands after a piss? (shower in the morning, then wash your hands before you piss not afterwards).
        If you have to use your hand to flush the toilet use a tissue.
        Crap is a different story, hot water and soap afterwards.

        Or use 70% Isopropyl alcohol.

        Problem solved and good luck.

  • coz

  • +3

    That’s weird.

  • +13

    there's an unconditioned response between hearing the sounds of running water and having to pee

    • I feel like it could be this!

      • I’ve read that if you pee in the shower that makes the connection between running water and needing to pee even stronger.

      • +2

        Pavlov’s dog

        Edit: Was that how you were potty trained.

    • Its this. Ive tested it the last 14 hours. The tap in the bathroom triggers the urge.

  • +1

    Everytime OP washes his/her hands, I need to P. :(


  • It's the alcoholism.

    • +1

      Don't drink, should I start??

      • +1

        A lot of people drink to forget. Maybe in your case it would help forgetting the urge to pee.

      • +3

        Since you don't drink, its odd that you'd feel the urge to pee in that case.

        • Yeah not sure how the body turns to solids into liquids

    • Nah, more like diabetes/prediabetes :P

  • +3

    I save myself the headache and wash my hands while peeing.

  • I strongly dislike trying to pee with an erection.

    It's really hard.

    • +1

      When you are 78 it’s the only time you get an erection

  • don't wash your hands. problem solved.

  • +3

    The headline was captivating but the story is lacking.

    • +3

      Like all of murdochs news stories.

  • I had that urge as well. I don't know why but maybe I have a small kidney or I am very sensitive and can't urge to delay it 😷

  • Its the warm water - try washing in cold.

  • flushing mellllowwwws

  • I know this is a revolutionary idea - but why don't you pee, then wash your hands?

    • Because the urge to pee only somewhat hits me when im washing my hands….

      • seems like you may have washed your hands a few times since you've started this post :)

        • 🤣 Been washing my hands all (profanity) day.

          • @iNeed2Pee: what if you hear someone else wash their hands?

            • @SF3: Nothing really. It just seems to be when I'm washing it. My brother did say the same thing happens to him.

              Maybe we are all genetically screwed.

              • @iNeed2Pee: Try to wear gloves 🧤 wash your gloved hands to test, maybe it’s the feeling on your hands? It doesn’t seems like sound or visually triggered.

  • +1

    maybe see your GP to discuss this. Could be worthwhile.

  • +1

    Sometimes I get a strong urge to pee when I am on my way home, it reaches its peak as I'm dancing on the spot trying to put my key in the front door.

    Methinks it's likely psychological/Pavlov's dog.

  • Maybe because not long ago you had a drink
    Or maybe is just a bodily convenience

  • The trigger is the water. In hospitals they put the tap on to help people pee after an anaesthetic. Urologists also use it as a test, another one being putting the patient's hands in lukewarm water.

    I remember a friend trying the hand thing on her dad once when he was asleep. We didn't know if it was the warm water or the booze that woke him up, though.

  • Just piss in the sink as you wash your hands. Problem solved.

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