Celebrate Lunar NY in style! Show off a bottle of Kweichow Moutai to your friends/family and they'll be super impressed.
Kweichow Moutai Chinese Baijiu 500ml $399.99 Shipped @ Costco (Membership Required)

Last edited 09/02/2021 - 17:42 by 1 other user
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Lol.. super impressed
especially when they see the price tag
More like my friends/family will be perplexed and concerned that I spent $400 on something which looks like a bottle of glue.
don't judge the liquour by its bottle design
Would be fun to see their faces when they taste what you’d spent $400 lol
I always thought they looked like bottles of motor oil.
before we start CCP etc etc, someone actually comment on how it's like
Definitely an acquired taste!
Like toilet cleaner. Cannot recommend lol.
How much toilet cleaner did you drink?
Apparently not enough because he's still full of shit.
Drank enough to kill the corona virus ..lol
It just means that it's really harsh and strong and it burns. Don't people know what hyperbole means these days?
I mean even this website says it has a prominent ethanol notes https://www.cocktailsandbars.com/moutai-baijiu-review/
@ippy: He's a judge of cocktails. What does he know about Asian spirits? The use of cleaner is just the proof.
@Jamesx: You are a smart cookie trying to hide the china tag behind ASIA…..
There are plenty of good Asia drop but sorry none are from china!
HWAYO is good, Suntory is excellent, not thing come out the the great CCP motherland rivals them.
Simply the best Baijiu from China, end of story
The king of all Baijiu
I'm pretty certain every bottle of Baijiu comes out of the same government production plant. They just stick different prices on them.
It's premium victory ginDo you even know how many different baijiu in China? They taste vastly different just as whisky
I'm very certain they don't. You can visit the distilleries yourself and see. They also involve different starter cultures for fermentation, different distillation methods and different aging processes. There are provinces that have become known for having more baijiu production. Baijiu styles are broadly categorised into about a dozen different aroma types. Each production plant/brand does have several bottlings that are markedly different in taste/age and priced accordingly.
Agreed it is an acquired taste,however, I would say it tastes like fermented soy sauce without the saltiness.
I personally love this, but can't afford to drink it regularly.No, it doesn't have a chemical or toilet cleaner taste. It's really smooth and full of flavour.
Just my own humble opinion. No political BS!
Like communism, can't drink, can't spit it out. In the end you just get adjusted to the taste and learn to live with it.
Actually opened a bottle from previous Costco sale last Saturday while entertaining my Chinese friend.
Have to say it's an acquired taste. While whisky and cognac burns in the tongue/mouth, this burns in the throat. That being said, I don't feel high or flushed, as opposed to typical liquor, even after we finished half a bottle.
I might stock up more at this price point. Previous sale was 420-ish?.
Previous sale was 420-ish?
Surely you'd feel a little high then
so are you saying this moutai does not trigger the Asian flush?
Yeah for my case. My friends were watching me while we were drinking. Previously when I hosted them, we had cognac and after that I was red as a lobster. But strangely nothing happened this time round to their disappointment.
AFAIK, this is the only drink that I don't flush afterwards (I flushed even with 1 can of beer).
Like anything made in CHiiiiiiNA.
Just like the phone you have
Wow, why are you triggered so easily?
horrid imo
Tried this one lunar ny in pyrmont night markets ages ago and still cant forget it
partner tried durian for the first time (durian flavoured gelato) that night as well so we both came away with a memorable experience
How were the farts afterwards? Must have been devastating. Durian farts are are on another level.
I don't remember, so probably no worse than usual? Haha
Durian gelato is also on sale in Costco, in case you would like to bring back memories.
It is one of the best Baijiu. Honestly a bit overpriced but it is good if you can enjoy baijiu in general.
I was given a bottle as a present. It's honestly quite foul.
I love all types of alcohol. Wine, beer, spirits (all types), liquers, etc. But something about Moutai smells quite bad and tastes worse.
It's an acquired taste. Clearly other people love it as it's still on sale.
Moutai glasses are 7ml, keep that in mind that it should be a really small sip (I’ve seen people have that in 2-3 sips too).
Always breath through your nose when drinking it, and don’t match it with spicy food.If you’re struggling to have it still, try mixing with triple sec and soda.
i always found green tea mixer to be nice
spirits (all types)
Certainly shown you have not drunk much baijiu & shaojiu before, let alone like them. Stop claiming all types.
It's an acquired taste, but then again so is beer or wine…
I was given a bottle of this one CNY as a thank you for some work we were doing in China and having drunk my fair share of Baijiu at roundtable lunches and dinners (before they were banned for public officials), this is certainly one of the best, without spending $2k+ for one.
Beware that your breath and pores will smell like paint-thinner for the next 24 hours if you get in to a proper Gānbēi challenge with teacups and shot glasses of the stuff. Fun times though!
Show off a bottle of Kweichow Moutai to your friends/family and they'll be super impressed
I found one in a recycle bin. Cleaned it and now I use it as a show piece.
I have one too. The bottle feels like it has good build quality if you know what I mean.
Small and hefty.
Plot twist: Someone in Sydney brewed this in their bathtub and stuck Made in China labels on the bottles.
Lol when made in Australia gets passed off as made in China. What strange times we live in indeed =P
Wish I didn't spend too much on alcohol last year, maybe I'll get one of these
dont think anything is worth pay $400 to drink.
Fountain of youth better be $399
Indiana jones fan?
Looks like a bottle of carpet cleaner.
I was going to say paint thinner, but yea yours too.
I always think glue when I see the picture of the bottle here.
Believe me, once you try, you never go back. And you gonna feel those whiskies too weak!
Looks like this is the Flying Fairy, alcohol content 53%
Too many political BS, just a drink, buy it if you like it and can afford it, simple
save that dollars for Lagavulin 16, and extra bottle of russian satndard vodka :)
Stupendous profit margin. Even Apple must be envious.
In 2018, Maotai saw its output reach about 70,200 tons, with sales revenues reaching 73.6 billion yuan (about 10,5 billion dollars) and net profit 35.2 billion yuan (about 5 billion dollars).[9]
It‘s also the no.1 value share in Chinese share market, trading at a whopping ¥2364.97 ($474.6 AUD) per share… and the only thing this business does is just selling alcohol
Bought a few bottles from Dan murphys last year, when they had some discounts and then stacked with 5% gift cards. Raised the price to $420 now though, but with 5% off it would be equivalent pricing, but without the need for Costco membership.
how to get 5% gc on Dan
Dan murphys is just the woolworths gift cards. NRMA, etc still give these.
thanks, too bad I bought $700+ from them last night.
@ozbbcuk: refund them if u haven't drank them then ask them to put it all thru again but this time use the gift to pay.
I have three in the drawer for one reason or another.
Can never think of a good enough reason to open one.
For cooking with your favourite stir fry beef/pork.
Pork before stir fry - $6.50
Pork after stir fry - $65.00
Do you even know what kind of alcohol used in stir fry?
Old man's favourite.
It taste excetly like what i bought a $3.99 cooking wine from the gorcery shop.
I dont think you ever afford it
$400 cooking wine? U must be one of the super crazy rich guys.
No alcohol is worth nearly a grand a litre. There's better ways to show off the size of your wallet lmao
They use them as bribe in China, not worth anything for taste.
In 2018, Maotai sales revenues reaching about 10,5 billion US dollars. So the total of the bribe in China will more than 10b USD a year only in wine catalogues?
Ha ha. It is a lot more then that. my father in law is a small local government worker, he receive at least 10 of them each year as "Gift". It is less than 10% of his total "Gift".
In China there're about 10m Government workers, you make up your own number of the total gift just for the public sector.@elf888: Probably all 10 of them are fake as you said they taste exactly like $3.99 cooking wine. Small worker, right? kinda good match.
You'll need a waving cat first to afford it.
bottle of metho is only $4.13, tastes better and more available
I honestly was not expecting that but thats incredibly funny, thank you
I started to like it a lot
But can no longer afford it.is this genuine guaranteed? There are a lot of fakes in not only China but also other places in Asia including Singapore….
If it is fake from Costco, you will get rich.
The tricky part is it is pretty hard to prove it is fake…
Coke or Pepsi ?
Australians has no idea how much of these fakes are around. Even Chinese officials got server fake Moutai. Good luck with the ones you get from retail.
Haha I feel so proud that I must have a 50cent fan subscribe to my posts. The only way to explain all my comments get a automatic down vote lately.
I agree with you there's lots of fakes, but if you get from Costco, I think you'll be fine, or they'd be in trouble.
This happened and told by close contacts, no internet post….
A very senior official from Kweichow Moutai was invited to this dinner so he though just grab a bottle from the factory. Went to the dinner and some big gun government people were there. Soon they start drinking and one of the people from the government ask this guy from Kweichow Moutai, "Mate where you got your bottle from? Must be fake, I have many people bring me Kweichow Moutai and it doesn't taste like yours!"
I was told some how the guy from Kweichow Moutai manage to deflect the conversation but I wasn't told what he said…..
There you go, still want to bet your luck?
Lol who forks out $400 for anything made in china? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaga
People spend $1000 on iPhones every day.
My macbook made in China. My iPhone made in China. Even Tesla made in China.
I am surprised they didnt set the price for $388.88, favourite number composition for Chinese, missed opportunity from Costco imo
Hi Mate, may I ask which year of production? I cannot find it on description but I think you may see it on the bottle.
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In before political war