Hi Fellas,
I have just recently come across a 'car sale advertisement', It is a 2013 Toyota RAV4 AWD Cruiser, with Odometer of 77k kms, and listed for sale at $7800 only! (which I am confused as this would sell around 15-25k on the market)
I saw that sale initially on FB marketplace, which in turn led to an email address, with a lady name. And she says she is from Tasmania.
She also attached some pictures in the email, which seems to be a decent car.
She said the car is being sold as she is going abroad for a project, for 3 years, and need some cash for that.
I am in Qld, and the car will be delivered with RAAF truck, and will give 5 days inspection period - for mechanical testing and physical testing. And also will provide a roadworthy certificate and Qld Rego.
My question is :
- Is this too good to be true?
- What kind of fraud could be done through this?
- What would I need to look out / look for if I consider to buy?
- Should I buy?
I have zero knowledge, hence the question. Any help is appreciated.