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[PC, Steam] BioShock: The Collection A$15.99 @ Steam Store


Enjoy :)

Includes 6 items:

  • BioShock™ Remastered
  • BioShock™ 2 Remastered
  • BioShock 2: Minerva's Den Remastered
  • BioShock Infinite
  • BioShock Infinite - Season Pass
  • Bioshock Infinite: Columbia's Finest

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closed Comments

  • According to steamdb it is regular discounted price for this bundle:

  • I forgot how good these games are until I replayed them recently. Except Bioshock Infinite. That game sucks.

    • I liked all them except the DLC where you play as Elizabeth

      • I just felt like all the freedom was taken away in Infinite. The gameplay was really dumbed down.

        • +6

          That was the only one I liked, lol. Not a fan of the series.

        • +5

          The gameplay was really dumbed down.

          Ah yes Bioshock 1 had very deep gameplay with 'Hit them with freezing wrench til they die'

          • -2

            @Merlict: If you want. Or you can use any of the other many weapons and plasmids available. Or turrets. Infinite simplified all of these and ruined the series.

    • BSI although has the best and most optimistic graphics of them all, BS 1 and 2 are a wet underwater dungeon

      so FTW meaning Fkk That Wrench

    • BI is the RE5 of the shock franchise. It wouldn't be a bad game if it weren't marketed for the intended fan base.

  • +3

    The atmosphere of the original bioshock is incredible. The environment, creepy dialogues, haunting piano, loved it. The plasmids were fun as well. Research the houdinis and get the natural camouflage. Get invisible and stand in hallways waiting for the poor sods to show up. Shoot them with crossbow and loot them before they even hit the ground. Ozbargaining at its best.

    • +1

      My favourite weapon was always the wrench. I think I probably did 80% of kills with the wrench with Damage Research 2 (+60% damage), Wrench Jockey 2 (550% damage increase) and Blood Lust (restore HP and Eve with each hit) with some Natural Camouflage thrown in for fun.

  • +1

    Wish the Switch version would get this low

    • Can't have cheap things in an expensive walled garden.

  • Does this include the classic versions (non remastered).
    Yes, it does.

  • +1

    Last time I played this on PC it was a buggy mess. Crashed every 5 minutes on my 1070

    • same for me, played it about a year a go and it was a gamble whether it would even launch.

  • Bioshock Infinite is definitely the worst of the series

    • The alpha footage and original gameplay seemed so much cooler than what we got. Still salty since bioshock was one of my childhood games.

  • Head's up if you're playing Bioshock 1 Remastered, there's a bug wherein your game crashes when you save and it DELETES ALL YOUR SAVES during that whole session. I think I was 1 1/2 hours in when I experienced the bug. It's very disheartening.
    I still powered through by quitting the game every 15 minutes to "commit" my saves. I was anxious every time I saved and it dampened the whole experience for me. It crashed a few more times(even auto-save sometimes crashes and deletes saves) but I managed through it. Thank God for the "-nointro" parameter.
    If you want to play Bioshock, I suggest just playing the non-remastered version, I Think the bug doesn't happen there

    • That's been an issue since day one with the original release (some of the posts in those search results are from 2007, lol) and it still hasn't been fully resolved.

      BioShock 1 has a sh*t-tonne of known issues to this day, that the community had to develop a bunch of hacky workarounds to fix. It still has no anti-aliasing support of any kind.

      It definitely holds up in terms of the atmospheres and story but I remember spending a good hour and a half before playing through it a few years ago for the first time, just looking up and implementing a bunch of widescreen/FOV fixes, sound fixes, mouse/input lag fixes and stuttering fixes before it ran comfortably.

  • One of my favourite series with a twisted story but compelling story. 2K did mention a new Bioshock was in development (Dec 2019) so I can't wait if it's true.
    "Would you kindly…"

    • You might be interested to knoe that system shock is being remastered.

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