This was posted 4 years 1 month ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1, PC] CyberPunk 2077: Collectors Edition $249 (Was $429.95) + Delivery (Free C&C) @ EB Games


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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +15

    Does the statue's head detach itself from the body from time to time?

    • +8

      Apparently it has adjustable (T-) poses.

  • +7

    Hold the line ! It should drop, I bet EB has a massive stockpile of this stuff

  • +7

    Cute, JB had em for $189 other week.

  • +9

    $249 to collect trash

  • +7

    Might buy one if it's $24.90.

  • +2

    What’s the refund policy on this?

    • Collector’s Edition is alwayz hard to return.

  • +1

    They should make an Investors edition of this game with free class action

  • +5


    • Crazy hey. I wonder who in the world could justify buying this at that price. Amazing..

      • Will Gibson Fans ?

  • +1

    I bet those that paid full price are feeling a little silly right about now…

    …it's ok, I know the feeling, lol.

    • I don't think anyone did.

      • +2

        I did and feel a little silly, but NOBODY could see it coming that CDPR would crap the bed so thoroughly. I was going off the fact that i missed out on the Witcher 3 collectors edition and it skyrocketed in price so i thought the same would happen here and didn't want to miss out. oh well.

      • +1

        I bought it on release and got full refunded

    • In the past I preordered the halo 5 collectors edition…. :')
      the one and only time i've ever bought a collectors edition and it had to be that one

    • Yeah i had planned to sell mine for rrp,takes up too much room, never buy these things but got sucked into the hype, plus the whole thing has left a sour taste,

  • OMG I was looking forward to this collector version of cyberdump to drop price.

  • Collectors edition is depicting a car crash…

  • This game is so good. I'm 60 hours in so far.

    • +16

      Username makes sense.

      • +1

        Nah I didn't actually buy it, but it's definitely not crap. Great game. Just need decent hardware. The only thing I have noticed so far is a floating cigarette and a mission where I couldn't complete an optional objective.

      • +1

        It is a good game, the story though is fantastic. The game was rushed and so bugs + certain features cut unfortunately, but I still enjoyed my 160 hour playtime (so far)

  • Imagine Ubisoft trying to sell a special edition Watchdogs for $430.

  • Weren't these being scalped highly on eBay?

    • still are, PC collectors edition sold for $600 2 days ago. Someone could broden these hard if they can be bothered.

      • PC version still available. Who knows when it will sell out

  • PC Sold out.
    Stupid site is annoying because it wont let me post a comment saying that part of the deal is sold otu.

  • Sweet, grabbed one for collection.

  • Me too

  • Hey guys and girls.
    Anyone know the trade in value for this game with EB Games? I paid $29 in that deal, with 2 game trade in and I want to see this thing gone. Tell me I can get $20 please? :(

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