Halo MCC or Halo 5 Players

G'day Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone would be keen on getting together and playing some Halo 5 / Halo MCC together online. I have been playing Warzone a lot and the wall hackers / Aim botters are getting ridiculous so going to step away from it for a while.

I have 2 / 3 friends that have Halo MCC but since there is such a lack of player base in Australia at the moment we keep getting matched in West US Servers and get smashed around a bit because of the latency.

If anyone would like, send me a PM and I can add you on Xbox Live (I have the game on both Xbox / PC). If we can get enough players we could play custom matches 4v4 or 8v8 BTB.


  • I jump on Halo MCC every so often, though I tend to play a lot of SWAT if that's your thing. Happy to play customs if there's a group though

  • The player base will come back when the new Halo Infinite is released later in the year. In Halo 5, I've found that if we start custom games and in the description mention Aus & NZ players only, we usually you get a decent game. I've got a Blood Gulch custom map (copy from Halo CE) and CTF is a blast with Oceania players.

  • beakeroo on steam, add me if you want to do some kind of coop.

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