G'day Everyone,
Just wondering if anyone would be keen on getting together and playing some Halo 5 / Halo MCC together online. I have been playing Warzone a lot and the wall hackers / Aim botters are getting ridiculous so going to step away from it for a while.
I have 2 / 3 friends that have Halo MCC but since there is such a lack of player base in Australia at the moment we keep getting matched in West US Servers and get smashed around a bit because of the latency.
If anyone would like, send me a PM and I can add you on Xbox Live (I have the game on both Xbox / PC). If we can get enough players we could play custom matches 4v4 or 8v8 BTB.
I jump on Halo MCC every so often, though I tend to play a lot of SWAT if that's your thing. Happy to play customs if there's a group though