Noticed this on pricehipster, pretty serious setup but a good price for a man cave……
Noticed this on pricehipster, pretty serious setup but a good price for a man cave……
Whoops, is it fixed now?
It could be state dependant. What state are you in OP, Alialh try change your nearest store to that state to that and then see if it works
My store is set to Adelaide airport, still showing in the cart and on the website… 🤔
Link in description works
This is a good deal for those serious about their beer hahah
Looks like it's been removed. I was able to see it earlier. Had to have a serious talk with myself about not buying it!
in the process of building a 7 keg keezer with 5 taps, and this is a pretty good price.
Link title says 4 taps, and photo shows 4 taps?
Price error?
Link doesn’t work