Just started getting into altcoins using coinspot. One of the things they make you agree to and tick says "for the best security, ensure you store your coins offline in you own cold storage"
How do you do that? Seperate ap? i have no idea how to download my coins so only exist on my device or a usb
How to store altcoins offline??

Last edited 03/02/2021 - 17:04
Piece of paper
2011 called and asked for their notepad back.
Put it in your rfid-protected wallet
depending on what coin you have, some of these coins have there own wallet you can use. otherwise ledger is the best bet. (careful of the fee's to and from exchange to ledger) if you hold less than 2k i'd just keep it on the exchange tbh.
Agreed especially btc
You can use an old air-gapped android smartphone.
Arent all smartphones always talking?
Not with no sim and no wi-fi AP details. Airplane mode if you want.
What you buying (out of curiosity)?
Anything going up and selling everything going down ;)
This is why people lose money trading. They buy when they see green candles and sell on red.
WHO TOLD YOU?!? You hacking me already?!..
I want to hold Bitcoin, XRP and Ethereum long term and i have like 5 others im just playing around with, trying to read up on them basically doing exactly what soluble said while i get used to it. But have made an ok profit doing it so far lol.
Chainlink 🚀
I use a Trezor* because it pairs with the "hot" software wallet I use, Exodus**
**https://www.exodus.io/Ledger Nano-X 200 bux. Put the 255 word passphrase on a physical bit of paper somewhere safe.