Available by 12/02/2021.
Price drop from $469 to $449
Available by 12/02/2021.
Price drop from $469 to $449
amazon coming in hot with the pre-launch price drop because they realised nobody will buy it….. BECAUSE IT LOOKS TERRIBLE
amazon coming in hot with the pre-launch price drop because they realised nobody will buy it….. BECAUSE IT LOOKS TERRIBLE
Yeah, it’s not like they’re just price matching Big W or anything.
…for real though
Would look pretty nice with standard black controller middle
I'd have gone white. the hat is way more iconic than the overalls
I think it looks good. Its essentially a red switch. The only ugly part is the blue and they're pretty much just extras.
looks terrible
Looks Spider-Man.
in before "thanks bought 10" comments
thanks bought 10
No one in their right mind or not blind will buy these to scalp. It looks terrible.
Yeah I wanted to scalp it until I saw the bloody thing. No chance mate.
the biggest offender is that without the joy con grip, which many won't use instead of a real controller, the whole console in its portable state is 100% flat out red. It's literally just a RED switch and dock.
In before "why is RRP a deal" comments
It’s 20 dollars less than RRP ..
Not only did the marketing team come up with the TERRIBLE Blue & Red colour scheme but also increased the standard price by $20 👍🏼
Can't wait to see what Xbox & PS do…
why is RRP a deal
Here before “it was cheaper on x day” comments
It was cheaper when "lockdown" was just a thing ute enthusiasts did with their tonneau covers…
Here before “no Mario Kart bundled”
no Mario Kart bundled
Feels as though they'll go through the entire array of colours in the rainbow before dropping the price..
It's Nintendo, they don't drop prices even when end of life.
Or end of the world
Based on Nintendo's past performance, this ugly version of the least-powerful last-gen console will be sold out fast, then go up in price forever.
And I still low-key want one…
Here before "holding out for a Switch Pro to be announced"
holding out for a Switch Pro to be announced
This or switch for $349 on eBay Black Friday.
Switch going all the way down to $349 just because it's last gen and four years old? Some wishful thinking there…
I mean, you want to wait 10 months?
Looks terrible, bought 10
In before "monster hunter edition is better"
The Animal Crossing edition was better
agreed. however that game is not my cup of tea.
That’s okay, it didn’t come bundled with the game.
and not even by that much, they didn't even put effort into repainting the hunter switch its just white stickers on the standard switch base colour.
Broken Link - fixed thanks op
Here after all the "here before"
here before
Thanks bought 10. Looks terrible though and no Mario kart bundled. Was gonna hold out for the switch pro to be announced but the monster hunter edition looks better
I'm going short on this one.
In before "this belongs in the forums" comments
And yes, your 128GB micro SD card will work with this.
this belongs in the forums
you missed one lol
Same price at jb hi fi
Didn't buy 10, 1. doesn't look good. 2. no good perks.
You know you fkd up with the release when scalpers don’t even wanna touch it with a yard stick.
It’s more the colour (monster hunter one is also not the target market here). When Zelda and Pokémon editions come they will sell out..
its straight up red without the con grips, its a total failure of design.
The animal crossing one was a total paintjob with designs, god that was the tops.
The colour is more like Spider man. I think they will sell more of these if they put a spiderman logo
Buy it, put a couple of spiderman stickers in key places so it looks official, sell on ebay as a rare edition for $800.
I wish they sold Just the joy cons separately in Australia for a reasonable price, that I would buy for sure
you might need to buy more than one pair given how fast they drift.
i actually own 6 pairs but they are for display / collection purposes.
I mainly use the pro controller.
i see. I do that with headphones and power banks.
Darn, I bought a neon one for $399, four days ago, will this one go faster?
Target currently has the regular editions for $399, for anyone looking:
Neon: https://www.target.com.au/p/nintendo-switch-console-neon/629…
Grey: https://www.target.com.au/p/nintendo-switch-console-grey/629…
Probably cheaper at launch 4 years ago. If you've waited this long, 'hold' till switch pro.
JB Hi-Fi is now matching $449 but delivery is extra.
Typically you can't pre-order from stores until close to launch as they don't yet have a stock allocation but might be in luck now if you give your local store a call for those who want $449 with local pickup. Amazon delivery estimate for my order is 16th Feb (4 days after launch).
Harvey Norman is currently showing a price of $398- with a coming soon message. No add to cart yet https://www.harveynorman.com.au/nintendo-switch-console-mari…
in before “looks terrible” comments