eBay Issue: What Would You Do in This Case?

I bought a second hand lens in eBay which was advertised as still under warranty. I bought it, reminded the seller to send the invoice for warranty. I received the Item after few days but, there was no sign of invoice. When I asked about it, there was silent. Then the next day he sent this with no greetings,

Him: I will send you the information when I have it, are you able to take the paypal funds off hold on your end or is that nothing to do with you?

Me: Sure. It has nothing to do with me. I think it is ebay. Thanks."

Him: If you could say you have received your item i think that will take it off hold

Me: There is no such option there. :( Don’t worry I am not going to scam you or anything. The money is yours.

Him: You should be able to click on the item purchased and leave feedback or say item received? If you could have a look and try it would be appreciated because i have been through this before and i had to wait on the line with paypal for 3 hours pretty sure you should be able to

Me: Sure man. I’ll go home and do this evening. In the mean time please see if you have any invoices in your email. Have a great day.

After coming home, I checked why he is on me to leave a review and figured that the tracking number he provided was some fake number. Since there is no tracking so, paypal is not releasing his money I guess. And I firmly believe he has sold an out of warranty Item.

I don't mind doing what he asked, but since he sounded bit like a bully to me, and giving what he wants might encourage him. And I hate to deal with such people. So, what would you do in this case?. :)

tldr: ebay seller who sold an out of warranty item as item under warranty asks to leave a review so that he can get his money.

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  • +12

    Tell him you'll mark it as received when you get your invoice. Seems fair.

    • +2

      Probably the OP should consider if having warranty (couple months? two years?) is something significant for them.

      If it is, then start an eBay Dispute straight away as "Item not as Described" and wait 24-48h to see if there's a response. You could get lucky with "here is the invoice for your warranty" promptly. Or if it is "sorry don't have it, or it doesn't matter, or radio-silence" then just send the item back, get a full refund, leave a negative feedback.

      Whilst this is all going on, you should also thoroughly test the lense. See if it is working 101%, or if it has issues, or might need a warranty claim. Good luck.

      • I'll do this. I'll raise "Item not as Described" claim. Thank you.

  • +2

    Well yes technically he didn't keep his end of the bargain, plus everybody knows you need to use a tracking number for PayPal to release the funds once item delivered.

    It is up to you do you wait and hope to receive warranty or do you take it as is

    • Hmm.. I hate eBay used item buying experience, especially through auctions. So, I made an offer which was $50 more than the normal selling price because it had warranty. My bad luck.

  • +6

    Send it back as a 'not as described' if he doesn't have the invoice, or receipt, after promising to include it.

    Paypal places 'holds' for a reason, so his account has had past issues.

    • +4

      Your funds get held if it is a new account also

  • -3

    tldr: ebay seller who sold an out of warranty item as item under warranty asks to leave a review so that he can get his money.

    Its ebay, you should assume anything 2nd hand has no warranty, regardless of the 'claims'.

    Get the lens, test the lens, if all is working, then you're AOK, if not, raise a return case. That is pretty much your warranty.

    • May be this is what it is.

      • The seller lied, but thats pretty common with 2nd hand goods on ebay/gumtree. So many claim 'as new' when its not, or has invoice, but it goes missing after you purchase.

        You're best to go in assuming these things don't come with them, and you'll be a lot happier. If they do, then bonus!

    • -1

      To the downvoters I just have to say hahahahahaha

      You live in some fantasy world if you think any of those overseas sellers will honor the warranty claims past the ebay/paypal refund periods are over.

      • -1

        The whole point of having the invoice is being able to access the manufacturer or retailer warranty. Has nothing to do with the seller providing a warranty.

  • +4

    Send him this. https://www.paypal.com/au/smarthelp/article/faq1377 eBay/paypal holding is nothing to do with you marking the item as received.

    If you don’t buy/sell on eBay often enough, PayPal will hold the funds for 21 days. It has happened to me before. Nothing you or he can do about it.

    I’d send a firm but polite email asking again for the invoice for warranty to be provided.

    • Sent him this. And sent him a message.

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