Transferring Lease and Bond NSW

My ex and I signed a six month lease due to end in April. We broke up and I moved out but have been paying my share of the rent since November while he tried to find a new housemate. He has found one now and I've sent him a Transfer of Shared Tenancy form to fill out.

I contacted my RE to let them know and to ask how I'd go about getting my share of the bond back. She replied with this:

"Unfortunately we cannot release the bond as the bond remains with the RBO.
You will need to seek your share from (my ex) or I suggest contacting the RBO as you are the principal tenant and once the tenancy does end the money would be deposited back into your account."

I'm concerned that the new tenant may damage the property and I'd end up losing my share of the bond. Any suggestions on the best way to deal with this for everyone?



  • +2

    In Victoria you can transfer the ownership of the bond by filling in a form. Then the new tenant just needs to pay you the value of the portion of the bond that got transferred to them.

  • +1

    Assuming you're in NSW, the second page of this form outlines the process:…

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