Looks like the Xbox Series X and Digital consoles are available again.
$749 - Xbox Series X 1TB
$499 - Digital Version
Looks like the Xbox Series X and Digital consoles are available again.
$749 - Xbox Series X 1TB
$499 - Digital Version
Compare it dollar for dollar to an equivalent PC if you want justification.
in response to that, compare how much i use my PC, to how much i used my previous consoles. Id use my PC at least a couple hours a day on average (let alone for work now with working from home) use a console maybe a few hours a month on average in the past.(if it where luck!)
the main thing the console gets used for is netflix (and as a bluray player, not that we use those (bluray) any more)
so dollar per hour, the PC is hundreds of times ahead. - so personally for me, I cant justify the costs.
Not sure about all the neg hit and runners, did i offend the fanboi brand somehow? that was not the intent.
if i were going to get anything, i'd get this, all i meant with the above, is that ive finally been online when one of these deals has been posted and its in stock!
no sarcasm there.
maybe i just phrased it wrong.
read as, shock, It's in stock when i can finally buy it. - IE im online and there are some in store.
- interesting, its available in 3-7 days
comment for me, i just don't use consoles enough to be able to justify buying one… as tempting as it is.
So if a new manual car is free but you don't drive manual so don't use it then it shouldn't be posted as a deal?
Why does all deals have to be for you?
@Nananananana: i'm sorry ozbargain police that i mentioned this wasn't for me, but i was impressed that i was online when it was available, because, they havent been available, and i really do want one, but i really don't need one. so i felt compelled to comment, next time i will resist the urge to post on a public forum my public opinion. it was just a "MUST RESIST GETTING THIS" phrased in a different way.
i wont do it again officer, please don't fine me.
The comparisons get dicey pretty fast when you start to look at the wide spectrum of computing use cases, but I get your angle for sure.
Coming from someone who last built an absolute BEAST of a rig around ~2012, I have learned that I would prever seperation of duties over a single box of ultimate power.
I've got a work laptop (XPS 15) that meets 100% of my bueinss/casual computing needs, but does not cover gaming. I'm interested in getting some casual gaming going again, so my choices are either to update the beast which will essentially be a new PC ($2k-ish) or dip on a console (flat $7 fiddy) and get boosted to the cutting edge immediately.
Note - I am definitely biased as I've just bought an HDMI 2.1 TV and need to justify it 😁
@cydia9k: I have to agree, hardware wise, 750 bux, its a no brainier. would cost you that much for the graphics card alone in a PC (for a fairly high end one at least).
i could probably just plug it into my monitor with a keyboard and mouse, then i wouldnt even need a gaming PC (some games seem to support it atleast - just cant stand using controllers for first person shooters.). that said, i seem to be able to find much cheaper PC games, than console… though the consoles do seem to be getting better in regards to price of games, but there is always a steam sale, or some type of sale on somewhere for PC games. doesnt seem there are as many options for consoles in regards to online stores.
Thanks, looks like I finally got one. Confirmation email went through, anyway.
I'm still waiting for EB games to offer it again with their trade in deals. I have a feeling they have been sitting on stock to wait out their previous trade in offers. The next round of EB trade in deals won't be as good.
As far as I know they won't be doing anymore after speaking to my local ebgames as they have an abundance of old consoles/games.
Information could be wrong though who knows what HQ will do
That sucks, I guess i missed the boat on that one but in saying that i have a pile of shame to last me another 4 years.
Yep, can confirm. I communictaded with EB Games on this issue. The last day for old console trade its were 31/12/20.
I traded mine in on the 29/30 of December .
I then was without a console for about 3 weeks.
I called and called eventually they had stock and I picked one up
EB games, hold strong, diamonds to the moon and all that.
I gave up and just sold my Xbox One X on Ebay. Ebay fees killed it though :(
I used shopback 4% off Target. Waiting for confirmation if it went through
Only 0.5% for electrical
Getting an item in short supply with high demand at RRP is the deal.
Always one in every ps5/xbox deal. Why not post in all the other ones too?
Why do you care?
It’s a deal for some because they can’t find stock otherwise. You won’t find discounts on these til stock is available widely. Until then, just go away. No one cares what you have to say. Everyone knows this is rrp.
No need to be rude, I merely stated a fact.
Its still not a deal thought. People like (and upvote) these posts cos it lets them know where has stock. Its like those stock tracking websites bit its more convenient that its on here.
Still doesn't make it a deal.
Sure, it's not actually a "deal" in that there's no discount, but it's a big "deal" to a certain segment of the ozb crowd when it's in stock when the alternative is waiting for the next random drop or paying scalper prices.
Maybe you should complain to the ozb mods on why it shouldn't be allowed. Otherwise, just deal with it.
Insufficient stock (minimum of 10) or not being available are against ozbargain's rules.
I don't like the fact that it's RRP, but if it's cheaper than somewhere else (eg scalpers), it still technically counts as a bargain. The fact that it's not actually available means it's in breach of the rules and hence clearly not a bargain.
If you want bargains, come to ozbargain. If you want stock notification, feel free to make your own site for that.
@Nukkels: As I said, speak to the mods, complaining here is not going to change anything. The fact that all the "deals" are still standing speaks for itself.
@Nukkels: p.s. scotty himself weighed in on the whole argument years ago. Seems he's pretty fine with RRP deals 😊
@snackerjoe: scotty doesn't care as long as people keep posting deals here so he makes a billion dollars off the ads
The fanbois drools over a website that has Xbox at RRP with no stock. Best to leave them alone.
@ca6leguy: Not even interested in buying an xbox, and I only bought the ps5 for my kids 😂
What's interesting is you feel the need to open up a deal that is at RRP. Just neg and get on with it if you feel that strongly about it.
@snackerjoe: You may not know this, but you must comment in order to cast a negative vote - which is exactly what we're doing, and yet we get blasted for it.
If you don't agree, you can just cast a positive vote without even commenting and move on.
you must comment in order to cast a negative vote
No I didn't, thanks, thought it was for the first neg only, I probably only negged once I think. At least now you know these RRP deals are well within the ozbargain spirit, no matter how opposed you are to it.
you can just cast a positive vote
I don't really cast positives unless I've benefited directly from it (or from a previous deal of the same). @ca6leguy seems to have a habit of posting the same "RRP, not a bargain!" comment so maybe he'd benefit from reading that piece scotty wrote.
“bEiNg iN StOcK mAkEz iT a BaRgAiN!!!1!1!!” - OzRRPInstockNotifications.com.au
I like the Series S - it suits my use case better than the Series X, due to the fact that I have a powerful Desktop Gaming PC, and also because I think the size and shape of it is sexy - but I just feel like the $499 AUD pricing isn't sharp enough.
Compare to USD pricing, Series S is $299 and Series X is $499.
So that makes Series S 60% of the price of the Series X.
But in AUD - $499 for the S is 66% of the $749 the X costs.
Therefore I strongly feel the Series S should not cost more than $450 AUD.
$749 x 60% = $449.40
A $449 pricepoint would bring the ratio between the 2 variants into line with US Pricing.
And at $450 I would be tempted, but at $500 I'm not.
Why do you want an Xbox if you have a PC?
Probably the same reason I have a PS5 and will get an Xbox at some point in the next year or so, as well as my desktop. Consoles provide a different, more streamlined gaming experience to PC's, that some people prefer. A console is a turn on and play, rather than a machine that can do a heap of other things and gives you settings menus to dive through etc, the console is singularly focused on gaming, and that can be freeing.
There's also quick resume, which is a huge deal to me. I've come to stop playing games that i can't stop with a click of a button. It's not a problem in rts and stuff like that, but for Rogue likes, platformers, or any thing that has stage 1, stage 2, etc, it's annoying to constantly drop a session mid stage.
I'm not saying consoles don't have a place I just don't know why you'd get an Xbox if you have a good PC. Getting a PS5 makes sense because of all the exclusives.
@JAKEBAB: You would get it because sometimes you don't want to play games on a PC, or your PC is in a different room to where you want to game, or a multitude of other reasons. I don't have consoles due to exclusives (at least not as the main reason), I have them for the console experience.
@JAKEBAB: He indicated it is due to the size (Series S). It can also be looked at from another perspective. Clearly, he will use desktop gaming PC for serious gaming (hence opting for Series S). Also, we know first party exclusives are most likely on both GamePass PC and console. That leaves 3rd party ones, GamePass console still have more games. Latest and greatest 3rd party titles won't be on GamePass (so will likely be played on PC). Oldish 3rd party games on GamePass which he has not played are most likely titles he doesn't really care so it should be fine to just play them on Series S. You do get QuickResume on Series S, which does help even with external hard disk.
It's a real pity there is no UHD blu ray disc drive on Series S because it is a huge pain to play UHD blu-ray discs on PC. Sure, there are drives which can play them with firmware hack (those drives are ~$75 each), but Intel SGX mess, HDCP 2.2…
Sure high end gaming PC + PS5 combination makes more sense. However, having an XBox console does expand the ability to play more games cheaply. Also, we cannot be certain he does not have PS5.
@netsurfer: Yeah I should have mentioned - I do have a PS5 - I’m loving it so far… Will do a review on Astro’s Playroom next - I’ve been mesmerised by it
I have a PC, gaming laptop, Xbox One X, XSX, XB1S, PS5 and a Switch.
You never know what you feel like using day in, day out :P
Also have 2 children who are boys and probably overly spoilt for choice.
Game Pass Ultimate. I like playing some games on the TV / Monitor (Rocket League, Forza, Street Fighter etc), and some on my PC (Civ, AoE, most shooters). For such a scenario, a PC + Series S fits the bill perfectly. Especially with the "exclusives" craze drying up.
If you have a high refresh rate monitor, try rocket league on it. Made a huge difference for me. Went from platinum 2 to champ 1 when I switched to my gaming pc.
@blergmonkeys: Did you still use a xbox / ps controller or k/board ? Cos I've gone up to Cham 1 Div 4, but could never break past that, and I was always up against PC players.
@Danstar: i dont know how ppl play on tv - when I try playin RL on xbox there is a huge lag? or is it just 60hz I cant tell, but I play on PC - 240 hz, with xbox controller
im around silver on xbox, c1 on pc :)
@blergmonkeys: Yeah it actually does. I play on a 144hz monitor, and it made a world of difference! Can still barely scratch platinum though :D
Started playing AOE 2 again, got my son into it. We been playing online, far out some people are so good.
Some games aren’t on PC?
Microsoft doesn't have platform exclusives between Xbox and PC anymore hence my question.
@JAKEBAB: Other devs don't always develop for Windows though. There are lots of games on Xbox and not PC that aren't Microsoft games, or they take a while to port over (remember when it was the other way around?!)
@beatsntoons: Such as? R* are the only noteworthy I can think of that take ages to come to PC. Honestly I don't remember when it was ever the other way around since I've mained console up until right now lol.
@JAKEBAB: https://www.xbox.com/en-AU/xbox-game-pass/games
357 console games, 231 PC games.
I am just old… when consoles took off, games were developed for PC first, then ported to console.
Got a series s and extra controller for $350 off market place yesterday. Insta buy!
damn where abouts?
Facebook marketplace in Brissy. I am a good negotiator! 400 down to 350
@TwentyTwoCarats: Yeah used from some young cod and fifa player. Other controller was brand new. Light use on the other. I'm not too fussed with the grippy texture on the white controllers, looks particularly dirt prone tbh. Otherwise the box runs silently, albeit with less media capabilities than my Xbox one. Games load faster but it is missing anything next gen really.
I bought it because I'll flip my xb1 and it's a relatively cheap upgrade to go with my 3 years of game pass. I will eventually upgrade my TV and havemy 1080p and series s in the bedroom. Can't image my girlfriend allowing my to put a ps5 in our bedroom. That thing is gigantic!
At 350 it's good, but there really is little reason to buy an Xbox s if you have a current gen console atm. I'd probably wait a year for more next gen games.
@spazattack91: fair fair, good d(st)eal. i played ps4 for many years but not in the last 2 years at least. i've got a 2K 27" monitor that I use for work/personal laptops and i'm looking to get back into gaming. so im thinking of getting the xbox series S. i've got an old 1080p tv in my house that i probably wont use for xbox, because the response time will be shocking. cant change tv as this one came with my rental place.
so series S you reckon? enjoying it?
@TwentyTwoCarats: At the current price you can't really build a better gaming PC, I reckon it would go great beside a monitor. So quiet and zippy too. The thing is literally tiny, like a 90s video game console. Think an original Xbox sliced in half! I like the package, although I think it would be a more compelling upgrade option at around $400. It's a very samey experience from last gen atm( except for load speeds) , but I'm sure that will change in time.
As a first purchase into the Xbox ecosystem/ game pass I think it's good, just as long as you are okay missing out on some ps exclusives and juggling storage. I would try and get it second hand with a reciept for warranty, they will be a couple of months old at most and are often advertised at $400.
Does that help? Happy to answer any qs you might have. I would definitely pick this up if you are looking for a future proofed casual game pass machine.
See for me the US is paying the equivalent of $390 for the XBS.
Digital only Xbox shouldn't cost more than $400 and when the price eventually drops down to that sweet spot of about $350ish thats when I will jump in.
I picked up a used One X for $250 the other day and I feel like it takes away a lot of appeal from the Series S. Yes, the Series S is better than a One X but I don't think it's worth double the second hand price.
Yeah I got one X same price, series S is so watered down
You've forgotten to factor in tax. You've listed the US prices before tax. After tax, the prices are closer to the Australian prices, which include GST.
The S is still a bit expensive in Australia though in comparison. It should be about $450. The X at $750 is more or less about right.
I agree, the S is appealing but needs to be $399-425 AUD
No point while they keep selling out though.
The more time I spend with the Series X, the more I prefer it to the PS5 (and I am a 1990s Sony kid).
It really is a great machine for those lucky enough to be able to find one (and afford one).
How is the ps5 over a ps4 pro? I’ve yet to see something that makes me want to upgrade. Ray tracing or not, games still looks great on either
I upgraded from the PS4 Pro purely because of the EB trade deal and a loyalty bonus.
If you feel like there are no games to entice you, then don't rush into getting one. It's that simple really. As you said, games still look really good on the Pro and essentially everything you need is already available on that machine.
I have not touched my Xbox One X ever since I got the PS5 to be honest. I personally am more attracted to the Sony exclusives.
I still want to keep my One X as I'm a sucker for backwards compatibility for the old games. Hence, I keep resisting these Series X "deals" apart from the price.
This is ditto for me. I've been day 1 Xbox classic fan hoped on ps5 and with the psn collection I haven't even turned on my Xbox.
It's probably different for people who have clocked the psn games but I think currently the ps5 is better option with Xbox being better in the long run
If you missed out on some of the PS4 exclusives then the PS5 is a fantastic option. So much good content.
Quick resume on series s/x is a game changer.
Rumor is Microsoft is making another major studio acquisition (on top of Bethesda).
This is also a reason that I didn’t sell my one x. Too expensive to consider future proof right now for xbone, but will eventually buy series x when prices are discounted.
The Bethesda deal is massive in the long run, and the entire Game Pass library is so good. Started playing The Medium last night and I love how it opens up gaming options that I might not have considered if I was paying full price at retail.
Agree, Games Pass and Quick Resume are fantastic
Order cancelled due to insufficient stock (Melbourne)
That sucks. Did you receive an order confirmation email before they cancelled it?
Yep - order confirmation e-mail and cancellation e-mail at almost the exact same time
Bummer, I have an order confirmation. No cancellation yet though. I am in Sydney and paid via PayPal with my order being placed at 11:44am.
Hopefully you get your hands on the next batch mate.
Freak, out of stock already on the X series.
Sold out - didn't take long.
Party s over . I bought mine hopefully not canceling
But if you're holding out to play xbox, chances are you weren't going to a party today anyways.
Best of luck with your order.
was it really even in stock??
I doubt it was even really in stock. I placed my order at 10:49am and even then, the order was cancelled straightaway and the website still showed it as in stock long after that.
I got my confirmation at 11:35 and no further emails…fingers crossed.
Series X is gone, series S still in stock. No good for me anyway since "This item is click and collect only" local target was just closed and is being converted to k-hub. Next nearest store 2 hours away.
get a cheaper/below rrp xbox series s from gumtree or ebay
Yeah, it's interesting that I've seen some people selling them for around $400 with a couple days of use :/
Not really a gamer - wanting to get a console for my nephew. Does Playstation have something similar to Xbox Game Pass? Is Xbox Game Pass worthwhile?
Sony have PlaystationPlus which is their online multiplayer service which gives you two free games a month and a selection of popular PS4 games. Not as good as Xbox Game Pass IMO but still something.