• expired

[Android, iOS] Free - Portal Dogs (was $6.49) - Google Play/Apple Store


Another good freebie for Android and iOS.

Cannot get the direct iOS link on this phone so if anyone puts it in the thread I will add it.

Edit: ioS Link: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/portal-dogs/id1110679106 (thanks to Ozbargin)

Game does not seem to have ads or IAPS.


Update as of 5:49pm on 1 Feb 2021: no longer free on iOS.

Related Stores

Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • +2


    Thanks for posting!

    • +1

      Thank you. Added to description.

  • +3

    No reviews so far. and no privacy details provided.

    • +9

      I suggest you post some of those then, please.
      There are hundreds of sales each week on Woolies, Coles, Ebay etc. Nothing special. So why post these? Why don't you neg every such post then? 😉

      Plus, little reminder about voting guidelines:

      Negative vote ONLY if:

      The deal is not the cheapest available
      Issue with product
      Issue with retailer

      None of this applies according to the reason you have given.

      • Fair enough.

        Edit: actually, if we were to post every random app going free, this site will turn into an appshopper.com. So I hold my stance on my vote.
        This game isn’t highly reviewed or anything. It doesn’t even have a single review on the AppStore..So why post it?

        • Look at misu p's post above.
          Plus, if everyone thinks like you how is it going to get reviews if everybody dismisses it????

        • +1

          this site will turn into an appshopper.com. So I hold my stance on my vote.

          Does appshopper have crowdsourced up/downvoting, which is the half the point of OzB?

      • +4

        All the whiney neggers and naggers on this site put me off posting app deals. There's always one that complains about some miniscule issue, usually a person who hardly contributes deals on this site. Keep up the good work Lysander!

        • +2

          Thank you for your positive comment and feedback which is truly much appreciated.
          Have a great Sunday night.

          • +2

            @Lysander: No problem. With over 4000 posts, you are an OzBargain treasure. 😎

  • +2


    That just reads all kinds of sus.

    • +1

      What specifically seems dodgy? Seems OK to me?

  • +2

    These are the worst looking dogs I've ever seen

    • +1

      Funny you say that, the iOS version’s description “save all the cute dogs!” :/

  • Not free on iOS anymore :(.

  • Good find OP, another one to keep my 6yo entertained whilst were out.

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