When Is The Best Time for Me to Buy an iPhone (in Terms of Pricing)

Hey guys,

I am looking to buy the iPhone 11. Pretty tired of android at this point, and would love to upgrade! However I am wondering when the best time to buy a new phone would be (discounts and deals etc). I always keep an eye out for OzBargain deals, but hoping to get advice on how to get the best deal. Thanks.


  • When the 13 comes out.

  • -1

    'When Is The Best Time for Me to Buy an iPhone …'

    The answer is very simple. Never.

  • Any time after you buy GME and hitting the moon.

    • +1

      Downvoted? Looks like we have one hedge fund manager on the site.

  • When you can afford to buy it.

  • 4.55pm on the last day of the month.

  • In about 10 years.

  • +4

    Buying iPhone is less timing, more deals stacking. Price match Officeworks, if you are lucky enough. Or if JbHifi price matches Costco, and then pay with discounted gift cards. Once the borders open, if you plan on international travel, the GST refund at the airport makes it sweeter.
    Or if you don’t mind the risks, buy off Facebook marketplace. I bought 12 128g for $1100. Seller provided JbHifi invoice, which shows price match with Costco. I didn’t think that was possible.

    • Why not possible? If it was in the same geographical area or included postage they should do it?

      • +2

        Usually places don't match shops where membership is required and not open to general public.

    • +1

      Agreed. Deal Stacking gets you the best deal regardless of product cycle timing.

      As per what I said here, fgot my iPhone 11 a month after release for $926 all up (about 25% off at the time, and about what they go for now):

  • Buy 12 second hand good condition from people who are upgrading to 13 when 13 just out.

    Next year repeat buy 13 from them. You still have new phone each year and you are much smarter than them

    • +1

      Or just do this every 3 or 4 years. IPhones are well supported for a long time after release, no need to update right away.

  • When you get your tax refund?

  • +1

    When Is The Best Time

    Only you’ll feel it, when the time comes.

  • -2

    Check out this video on when is the best time to buy an iPhone

  • +1

    Pre order or buy as soon as they hit the shelves. Apple pricing rarely changes so might as well get the most bang for your buck by being able to use it sooner whilst the technology is still new

  • The thing about iPhones are that aside from grey imports, their price hardly comes down. At best you’ll find it a bit cheaper at Costco. The only way it will be cheaper is to wait for a new iPhone model to come out.

    To answer your question: pretty much anytime is the best time to buy an iPhone

  • When you befriend an apple employee.

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