• expired

$15 for New (Referred) Sign-up to Up Banking in February


Up has boosted their referral bonus from $10 to $15, for the entire month of February.

$15 for both the referrer and referee ($10 when signing up, and another $5 when the referee makes 5 or more transactions within 30 days of signing up).

With ING adding a new requirement to their bonus rate on March 1, now is the time to look at other options.

I've been with Up since the early days and can honestly say the banking experience they provide is second to none - their app is a joy to use. Plus they're backed by Bendigo Bank and the government Financial Claims Scheme (protects your savings up to $250,000), so your money is in safe hands.

To look at what features Up offers (and what they have planned) I highly recommend checking out the ever-growing feature tree: https://up.com.au/tree/
Plenty of positive testimonials from the Ozbargain community, too.

Conditions for inviters

To enable the sending of invites you must be an active Up customer with a verified email address and have made one or more purchases with Up. You will receive a notification once you qualify.

To enable your shareable Hook Up a Mate page, you’ll need to also have set up your Upname and have opted to share your profile picture, Upname and the length of time you’ve been an Upsider.

A $10 bonus payment will be paid to the inviter when the person they invite joins Up and becomes a customer between 12pm AEDT, 1 February, 2021 and 11:59pm AEDT, 28 February, 2021. Outside this period, initial bonus payments will be $5.

An additional $5 bonus payment may also be paid if the person invited makes 5 purchases using their Up card or digital wallet in their first 30 days as an Up customer.

Conditions for invitees

A $10 bonus payment will be paid to the invitee when they join Up and become a customer (by passing KYC) between 12pm AEDT, 1 February, 2021 and 11:59 PM AEDT, 28 February, 2021. Outside this period, initial bonus payments will be $5.

An additional $5 bonus payment may be paid if the invitee makes 5 purchases in their first 30 days as an Up customer.

Conditions for invite codes

If you have signed up using an invite code or sharing link (which may resolve to an invite code), you will be told what that code or link entitles you to before completion of sign up Please note that due to caching on some social media sites, artwork shown may show a higher value than the amount eligible.

Bonus payments associated with invite codes or links will only be paid on successful sign-up and creation of your account and satisfaction of any qualifying criteria.

Invite codes may be cancelled at any time after they are issued.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1209)

$10-$15 for both the referrer and referee. Conditions

Bonus starts at $10 and $1 for each year referrer has been a customer, up to a cap of $10. Referee will see the exact bonus when you visit Up Bank.

Related Stores

Up Bank
Up Bank

closed Comments

  • -2

    Giving away free money shows that BEN is desperate for new customers. Neobanks like UP may look new on the outside but their mindset is stuck in the legacy banking system.

    • +4

      Neobanks like UP may look new on the outside but their mindset is stuck in the legacy banking system.

      Have you tried their app or spoken to their support team? I've never had a bank who I can contact instantly via live chat up until midnight every day. Sure, with ING I could call them and be placed in a queue for 10-15 mins before speaking to someone. But instant live chat is just so satisfying, and they take product suggestions and feedback seriously.

      Never seen a bank with a full-fledged roadmap before either: https://up.com.au/tree/

      • +1

        Agreed, the customer service is top notch. Regardless of how their back-end operates, the front-end is seamless and makes managing money more fun!

      • +1

        Not to mention no fees for foreign transactions. Can you say the same for the big 4 banks?

  • +1

    Anyone know if beemit would satisfy the 5 purchase requirement, given its a debit card transaction

    • +2

      I've tested this, and it's worked for me in the past for reaching the savings bonus %

    • +1

      Yes it does, I use it for this.

    • Sweet, thanks folks

      • But do you still need the physical card before you can add it to Beemit?

        • +1

          No you don't. You can access the digital card details in the app as soon as you sign up and enter them into Beemit.

          Edit: It appears I was wrong, you can only see the digital card after you receive and activate the physical one. Google Pay etc. is available straight away though.

  • Do I need to use that app or can I use a website?

    • You need to use the app.

    • +3

      Despite Up being app only, it's unquestionably one of the best banking apps that exist in Australia. Just check the above comments for praise.

    • The app is 100x better than most big banks websites.
      Also being locked to a device is much safer, no phishing scams

      • How is it locked to a device? What if you lose your device?

        • +1

          Sorry I meant it's registered to your device.
          I thought it would only work on one, but I checked and you can use multiple devices. It uses your phone number as a 2fa.

          But no dodgy links to bank login websites because there is no website.

          • @Herbse: What's to stop you getting phished by secure-up.com.au

            • -1

              @deme: SSL certificate pinning. Look it up.

              • -1

                @DoctorCalculon: Cert pinning no longer exists in web browsers.
                Cert pinning doesnt stop phishing it's to protect against misissued certs by CAs.

                Cert pinning won't stop you from mistakenly entering your username and password and 2fa details on a convincing but illegitimate website/app/phone call/person on the street/whatever.

                No one uses SSL anymore either and haven't for a long time.

  • I love using UP for international purchases. The FX rates are super close to the market price.

  • Does their* card work with Apple Pay?

    • +1

      Yep, they've had Apple Pay since their beginning. Check the feature tree: https://up.com.au/tree/ (it's up the top over on the left, under Cards).

      One of my favourite features is Instant Provisioning - meaning you can use your card on Apple Pay the instant you sign up, before your card arrives in the mail. Not a whole lot of banks offer this.

  • Would love to join Up as their app looks amazing, just not a fan of the 5 transactions per month for bonus savings rates (got a credit card with points for that). Only reason why previously joined another bank.

  • Does the account start accruing interest the moment it hits 5 transactions for the month? Or does it start in the following day / week / month?

    Have some balance in UBank (same interest rate), might transfer over but don't want to lose out on any of the interest.

    • +1

      My understanding is that the interest rate is calculated daily at 1.1% based on the balance in your savings account at the end of the day. However, you only get paid this interest at the end of the month if you've completed the 5 transactions.

      From their product terms:
      1.10% p.a. calculated daily, paid monthly once qualified. 0% interest is paid when unqualified.

      I suspect that UBank, which has no requirement for your savings account to be higher at the end of the month, works in a similar way. So the only 'lost interest' would be while the money is being transferred across - typically only takes a day.

      (I'm also with UBank, but moved my savings out a while ago)

  • +4

    Isn't $15 referral too low for a new bank account?

    • +1

      ING gave me $100

  • +1

    Will you be eligible if you were a precious customer but closed your account?

  • Hooking up with a mate at a Bank doesn't sound appealing..
    $15 though…

  • Thanks op

  • Hi can anyone send me an inviation? Thanks

    • +1

      No invitation required - just use the Referral Links directly below the main post

      • there are three referral links, which one is the one to use please?

  • +1

    Thank you random ozbargainer for using my referral code!

  • Do these guys still not do joint accounts?

  • I might consider joining, but there are many 1-star reviews at https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/up-bank
    Any Up Bank users want to comment on any of those reviews?

    • +2

      Productreview is not a reliable indicator of how good/bad anything is. If you compare it to other banks on the same site you'll see most are rated worse than Up, even the big banks. Personal experience is Up is probably one of the best banks out of the 10 or so that I've been with.

  • Is there a problem with having so many bank accounts,..? I've got so many that I'm beginning to lose track

    • +1

      If none of them charge account keeping fees, there's no real downside. I think I have 8 or 9.. I've lost count.

      Although I ended up closing the ones that didn't offer me anything over the rest (see ya CommBank)

      • I'm still with CommBank because their app kicks ass - but transfer my savings elsewhere for the better rates :) I guess my fear is if one of the banks start charging fees and I don't know about it I'll get screwed

  • With the Up Savers, do you need to deposit a monthly balance? Or just the 5 card transactions is enough?

    • The only requirement is the five transactions

  • +2

    Can someone explain what's so good about the app?

  • thanks @hk86 used your referral

  • "unable to register at this time"

  • Considering to move from ING due to the ridiculous new condition on their Savings account. A few questions:

    1) ING offers higher interest rate (1.35%) to UP (1.10%). If one can grow their balance every month, ING seems to be the better choice. Is there anything I'm missing?
    2) ING rebates any ATM fees whereas UP makes no mention of it. This can become expensive when withdrawing from ATMs that charge fees, especially when overseas (not an issue right now..). Is ING still the better travel card then?

    • +2

      In my mind, after March 1, ING's savings account effectively becomes as flexible as a term deposit. Yes, you can take money out mid-month and make sure it's back in by the end of the month, but I just don't see myself going to that amount of effort - especially with the risk of stuffing it up at least once or twice.

      The only reason I'll continue hold an ING account, as long as they're fee-free, is for the international ATM rebates.

  • I signed up using OP's referral code link. I didn't get any promotional money in my account. Just curious if I did something wrong while signing up? Nevertheless the app looks exciting. Glad I joined.

    • Thanks for using my link xtyjoseph - and sorry to hear that.

      It should be pretty clear normally - during a referred sign up, there's a full-screen message saying something like "you've been referred by [$up name], and we'll let [$up name] know that you've signed up". If that screen wasn't there, then yeah, something hasn't tracked correctly.

      • +1

        I used OP's referral link and got the bonus immediately

  • I'd love to jump on and open an account, regardless of the $15. Currently with ING and UBank. ING ATM and international fees are why I'm there. Moved away from Westpac a while ago.
    Using ING for everyday transactions. Main thing holding me back is joint accounts and a browser option for UP, which I know are coming this year. Otherwise I love the UI and analytics of UP
    Anyone else in a similar position or switched recently?
    Also interested in sticking with UBank after the NAB/86 400 acquisition

  • +1

    Not to rain on Up's parade but 86400 deposit $1,000 to get the bonus interest rate is easy as, hassle-free - using the app: deposit, withdraw (if you're short of funds), deposit next month, withdraw again, rinse, repeat.

    • +1

      Up's is actually easy if you use Beemit. Just make 5 instant transfers of $1 from Up to another of your debit cards. Though can't schedule it yet unfortunately.

      • Beemit can schedule transfers now, been doing it several months for ING

        • Is this on Android? I only see the schedule option for 'pay' not 'transfer'

          • @wangasm: Ah hang on I see. I "pay" from one of my ING accounts to another (separate debit card) I referred to it as transfer not realising beemit had a transfer option. It's a joint account so the money doesn't leave account, but yes it's the pay option.

            • @scar4ace: Yeh the transfer option makes so you don't need another Beemit account and can transfer between your own cards.

              • @wangasm: Yep, got you. Good to known counts as a txn. For ING, I pay my partner card on our joint a/c, net zero $ in/out, both spend criteria met, scheduled 1st monthly, set and forget.
                With Up, I'll schedule 5 txns to partner and back the next day, set and forget, both txn met.

  • Shout out to Justin who used my promo code :)

  • Got a referral update and checked, but it was only $5. Turns out they joined back in January!


  • all my friends are kinda sick of me trying to promote Up to them, so its now up to fellow ozbargainers to use my code fingers crossed

  • Nice sign up process and aesthetically pleasing app, pretty smart about notifications, useful seeming categorisation of transactions, cool to be able to tag and categorise them. Interesting approach to a payment history with other accounts. All in all very slick and I'd absolutely use them for a transaction account if I used transaction accounts instead of credit cards.

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