Macbook Pro M1- Electricity Feeling when charging...

So I have narrowed down what is going on.

When my new laptop is charging, I am feeling some electricity on the laptop if my hands are rubbing on the surface.

I changed the charger from a 2 prong to a 3 prong (misses charger) and the problem went away. (Youtube and other Apple forums said this was the fix as its a known problem)

I spoke to Apple and they said its normal and basically they won't send out a 3 prong charger unless I pay for it. ($29)

What are your thoughts on this?

Should Apple be sending me something out or is it just the outlets in my house that its to blame?

Has anyone else experienced what I am talking about?


  • +1

    This had been the case even with the older Macbooks. When charging with the two prong adapter you would feel a vibration/tingling sensation when the Aluminium unibody is touched and apparently this does not cause any harm to yourself or the MacBook. If this happens to be annoying the recommended fix was to use the long cable with the three prong plug. I highly doubt Apple would give you a free cable as this "issue" has existed since the 1st gen unibody Macbooks and internet is full of threads of people complaining about this but Apple being Apple nothing was done to address it since Apple does not see it as a problem.

    • Thanks for the reply, yeah im not wanting free stuff, just seems crazy they happy to sell it for the fix (4 week old laptop) but don't want to address the actual issue. Then again I am not surprised lol

      I wonder if anyone has actually exceeded at getting one sent though. Do you know when they switched to 2 prong?

      • I'm not sure of exactly when, but I think they stopped including the extension cable roughly around the time they switched to USB-C.

    • +1

      Wow, classic Apple talk for it being a "feature"

      • +2

        Only because they can't figure out how to charge you for the privilege.

        "Oh, you want TENS finger massaging? That's an extra $380."

  • +1

    Also happens with other computers i've owned.

  • Apple need to be grounded

  • You must be shocked that Apple would say such things, but yeah this is somewhat normal for electronics, especially for ones that have metal surfaces. Do a quick google search and you’ll see

    • +1

      Shocked in more ways than 1…..

  • This used to happen with my mid 2013 MacBook air from the day I got it, I was too lazy to do anything about it. I did notice that the bottom plate of the laptop wasn't sitting perfectly flush, and you could kinda push it in further to line up with the rest of the laptop body, so I assumed that had something to do with it.

    Earlier this year I had to replace the battery, and when I put the bottom plate back on, it lined up better than when I originally got it, no more electric zaps.

    The zapping was when I was resting the underside of my wrist on either side of the track pad.

    • Oh wow. Yeah I think our problems are slightly different but I get what you mean.

      Mine only happens when its on charge and if im grounded to the floor. Apart from that its flush, and it doesnt occur any other time.

      • Your initial description does sound exactly like mine though, I only got the zaps when it was plugged into the power point on charge.

        I have had to buy another charger cable though, as my 8 year old one had frayed too much and stopped working. I replaced it with another genuine 2 prong MagSafe. I've had no zaps, BUT I believe the chassis wasn't grounded properly, and I must have fixed it when I took it apart to replace the battery.

        edit: While I did feel the zaps while my wrists were resting, the zapping was even more pronounced when I moved my wrists along the chassis. (profanity) mac lol.

  • +1

    My M1 Air does it too, i don't use it when charging so not concerned.

    • Yeah thats fair enough, thanks for replying.

  • +1

    Macbook air 2015 here, also does this. It's like a vibrating hum when I run my finger across when charging. I do use it a lot when charging and haven't gotten any issues yet.

    • Yup, thats a good word to describe it!

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